Our co-op programs offer students the opportunity to gain valuable work experience working at companies and research labs all across Canada and the United States. Each year our students win national competitions to participate in prestigious co-op placements. Many have the opportunity to present their work as a poster. Some of these presentations are shown below:
Monday September 26, 2022:
Tuesday October 20, 2020:
Tuesday October 22, 2019:
Matthew Hebert presented a poster entitled, "Measuring Residual Stress Utilizing X-Ray Diffraction," describing his work performed at Proto Manufacturing in Windsor, Ontario. ©2019
Tuesday October 17, 2018:
Harvir Dhindsa presented a poster entitled "Measuring Residual Stresses with X-ray Diffraction," describing his work performed at Proto Manufacturing in Tecumseh, Ontario. ©2018
Alexi Jankulovski presented her poster entitled "Quantification of Radiation Therapy Plan Complexity", describing her work performed at Windsor Regional Cancer Center in Windsor, Ontario. ©2018
Andrew Simonitto presented a poster entitled, “Overhead or Undergound Powerlines to Optimize Windsor Ontario infrastructure” describing his work preformed at EnWin Utilities in Windsor, Ontario. ©2018
Andrew Simonitto presented a poster entitled, “Increasing Workers Risk Perception at a Nuclear Power Plant,” describing his work preformed at Ontario Power Generation in Darlington and Pickering, Ontario. ©2018
Mark Armstrong presented a poster entitled, “Applications of Ultrasound in Dentistry” describing his work performed at the Institute for Diagnostic Imaging and Research, Windsor, Ontario. ©2018