18th Annual Secondary School Programming Competition

1st Prize winning team Top Coders in the 18th Annual SSPC in the School of Computer Science.

The School of Computer Science successfully hosted the 18th Annual Windsor Regional Secondary School Computer Programming Competition on Friday, December 8th.

This event, with its two training sessions leading to the official competition day, attracted 32 teams (of 3 students each) from 11 Regional high schools along with several dedicated teachers and coaches. The teams that participated this year came from as far as Sarnia, Chatham, and Leamington. The students were given 9 problems to solve within 3 hours by writing a solution on the computer using a programming language of their choice from C, C++, Java or Python. The winners are determined by the most number of problems solved, ties are broken by the time taken to solve problems.

The top six winning teams were recognized at the awards ceremony that followed the competition in the presence of Acting Dean - Faculty of Science, Dora Cavallo-Medved and Acting Director - School of Computer Science, Imran Ahmad, who handed out the Top Coder awards.  Every winning team member received a prize comprised of a gift card from Amazon ranging from $200 for first place to $50 for the 6th place winners. In addition, the School of Computer Science committed over $25,000 in total entrance scholarship funds to encourage students from the top 6 winning teams to join the University of Windsor in any Computer Science degree program being offered.

The top teams and their award values are:

1st place “Backup Team” from Vincent Massey S.S. ($3000 x 3)
2nd place “Slow and Steady” from Vincent Massey S.S. ($2000 x 3)
3rd place “runtime terror” from Académie Ste.-Cécile ($1500 x 3)
4th place “UCC1” from Ursuline College Chatham ($1000 x 3)
5th place “CKSS A” from Chatham-Kent S.S. ($750 x 2)
6th place “Ctrl+Alt+Defeat” from Leamington District S.S. ($500 x 3)

(Winners will be receiving official letters confirming their award value and conditions.)


The final scoreboard can be viewed at this link: https://open.kattis.com/contests/az9fre/standings

Kudos to our new SSPC Coordinator, Dr. Ahmad Biniaz, and our dedicated staff members at the School of Computer Science with the exceptional abilities to coordinate all the complex efforts required to put this event together. The participants received a good taste of the School’s hospitality and the UWindsor experience geared for success. The School, thanks to an experienced team of technical staff and advanced computing facilities, continues to provide its visitors with experience in working on the latest state-of-the-art computing facility available in the Windsor region.

Special thanks to our numerous student volunteers who assisted during the event.

On behalf of the School of Computer Science, its faculty members and staff, we extend a kind thank you to all the participants and volunteers, wishing you a warm and festive celebration for all their accomplishments.