Dr. Xiaobu Yuan

519-253-3000 ext. 3793
Office: 8104 LT

xiaobu yuan


  • PhD, University of Alberta, Canada (1993)
  • MSc, Institute of Computing Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences (1984)
  • BSc, University of Science and Technology of China (1982)

Research Interests:

  • Virtual Reality
  • Software Product Line Engineering
  • Service-Oriented Architecture
  • Integration of Human and Computer Intelligence

Professional Affiliations:

  • Senior member, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (IEEE)

Selected Publications:

  • Yuan, X., Collaborative Planning of Assembly Sequences with Joint Intelligence, Proc. 2011 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, pp. 134-140, 2011.
  • X. Yuan, An Approach to Integrating Emotion in Dialogue Management, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 9142(3):297-308, 2015.
  • X. Yuan and S. Tripathi, An Approach of Dynamically Combining Ontologies for Interactive Requirements Elicitation, Proc. 7th IEEE International Conference on Software Engineering and Service Science, pp.11-16, 2016.
  • X. Yuan, M. Kaler, and V. Mulpuri, Personalized Visualization Based upon Wavelet Transform for Interactive Software Customization, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 10358, pp. 361-375, 2017