Current Students

Academic Advising

Students have access to specialized academic advisors in Biomedical Sciences. Advisors can help students plan and schedule upcoming courses, explain degree requirements and audits, and provide career advice. Meeting with an academic advisor can be conducted in person or online, and can be scheduled through the Biomedical Sciences office. To make an appointment with a Biomedical Sciences Academic Advisor, please contact Paula Tetreault at or

Program Advising Forms

Program Advising Forms are also useful for students in the preparation of course selection and degree requirements:

Students can also explore the Undergraduate Calendar to learn more about program requirements and course descriptions.

Student Experience and Resources

In Biomedical Sciences, we believe that student success is based on experiences that students have both inside and outside the classroom.  Learn more about our comprehensive resources designed to engage students and enhance the student experience.

Scholarships and Bursaries for Current Students

The University of Windsor provides an array of awards and financial aid programs that encourage and recognize academic achievement and help support students with financial difficulties. Review a complete list of scholarships and bursaries available to current students.