Our Mission
The Retirees' Association (Faculty, Librarian, Administrator) at Windsor was formed in 1990, to give a unified voice to retirees; to provide a bridge for communication with the University; to encourage social contact among retirees; and to open doors through which retirees could continue to contribute to the University of Windsor.
Thus the Association is meant to fill what could otherwise be a void in the lives of retirees - possible isolation from the University and from their colleagues, and possible lack of understanding of vital pension and health issues that affect them directly.
The current WURA Executive and Committees are pleased to serve you.
Why Join WURA?
Other WURA Information
- President's Reports - appear in each issue of the e-Bulletin
- Annual General Meeting, December 2023
- Activities & Dues
- WURA Executive & Committee Members
- Mission statement
- Constitution
- Relationships with the University of Windsor and the Windsor University Faculty Association
- WURA e-Bulletin
- WURA's Submission to the President's Strategic Planning Committee, Spring 2022
Contact WURA
There are several ways to contact WURA including;
- Email WURA
- Contact the President, Gwendolyn Ebbett
- Write to:
WURA Office, Room G119, Chrysler Hall North,
University of Windsor,
Windsor, ON N9B 3P4