Amendments Approved at the Spring General Meeting of April 16, 2019.
1:01. The short name shall be Windsor University Retirees Association or WURA.
2:01. To foster a collegial association between and among the University of Windsor, the Faculty Association of the University of Windsor, and the retired members of WUFA and to promote mutual understanding, trust, and good fellowship between and among the parties.
2:02. To safeguard the interests of the members and represent them in relation to the Faculty Association, whose constitution recognizes WURA as the organized voice of retired faculty, librarians, certain others (sessionals, administration), and surviving spouses, the University of Windsor and other bodies concerned with the welfare of retirees.
2:03. To monitor and work toward improving the pension and benefit entitlements of retirees and their survivors.
2:04. To facilitate the continuing association of the members with the University of Windsor and each other.
2:05. To serve as a resource pool of the expertise of its members for service to the University of Windsor and to the community.
2:06. To assist in solving problems that may arise between members and their survivors and the University.
2:07. To facilitate interaction between its members and those of other organizations representing retired university faculty and professional librarians.
2:08. To inform members of developments relevant to retirees taking place at the University of Windsor and the larger community.
3:01. Membership in WURA shall be open to:
(a) any person who during their period of employment at the University of Windsor made contributions to the University of Windsor Retirement Plan for Faculty and Certain Employees,
(b) whenever applicable, any person who during their period of employment at the University of Windsor made contributions to the Ontario Teachers' Pension Plan,
(c) any person who during their period of employment at the University of Windsor was a non-unionized manager or other administrator, and
(d) survivors of retirees in categories (a), (b) or (c) above.
3:02. Membership shall take effect and be maintained by payment of the annual dues.
(a) The Association shall have an Executive Committee consisting of:
(i) the President;
(ii) the Vice-President who shall serve as President-Elect;
(iii) the immediate Past President and Chair of the Nominating Committee;
(iv) the Secretary;
(v) the Treasurer;
(vi) the Editor of the Association’s Newsletter; and
(vii) at least three Directors.
(b) Members of the Executive Committee other than the Past President shall be elected annually at the Annual General Meeting each year. All matters pertaining to the election will be as agreed by the majority of the members present at that Meeting. The President shall normally be elected for a two-year term.
(a) The Association shall have four standing committees:
(i) The Nominating Committee;
(ii) The Bursary Fund Committee;
(iii) The Pension and Benefits Committee; and
(iv) The Social Committee.
(a) The Executive Committee shall appoint annually two members to serve on the Nominating Committee with the immediate Past President as chair.
(b) The Nominating Committee shall recommend to the Executive Committee candidates to fill vacancies on the Executive Committee. Ratification of their appointment shall then be sought at the next general meeting.
(c) The Nominating Committee shall propose one name for each office at the Annual General Meeting and then call for additional nominations from the floor. In the event there are additional nominations from the floor and the nominees are prepared to serve, the Nominating Committee shall then conduct an election by secret ballot for the office(s) concerned.
(a) The Executive Committee shall appoint annually a Director and two additional members to serve as the Bursary Fund Committee.
(b) The primary responsibility of the Committee is to explore and institute initiatives to enhance the Bursary Fund, subject to approval from the Executive Committee.
(c) The Committee shall advise and assist the Executive Committee and the Association on all matters of interest with respect to Bursaries and Scholarships, taking particular notice of Provincial and Federal Government initiatives with respect to matching grants and other available funds for Bursaries and Scholarships.
(d) The Committee shall annually obtain the names of suitable candidates from the Student Awards Office for the award of available bursaries and recommend a short list of candidates to the Executive Committee for approval.
(e) The Chair of the Committee shall present a report to each General Meeting of the Association.
(a) The Executive Committee shall appoint annually a Director and two additional members to serve as the Pension and Benefits Committee. Normally the Pension and Benefits Committee will be recommended as WURA’s representatives to the Retirement and Benefits Committee of the Faculty Association.
(b) The primary responsibility of the Committee is to explore and institute initiatives to enhance the benefits for all members and the pensions of those in The University of Windsor Retirement Plan for Faculty and Certain Employees, subject to approval from the Executive Committee.
(c) The Committee shall advise and assist the Executive Committee and the Association on all matters of interest with respect to pension and benefits, taking particular notice of provincial and federal government initiatives and of the rates and coverage provided by Green Shield of Canada.
(d) The Committee shall maintain contact with the Contract Committee of the Faculty Association through WURA’s representative.
(e) The Chair of the Committee shall present a report to each General Meeting of the Association.
(a) The Executive Committee shall appoint annually a Director and two additional members to serve as the Social Committee.
(b) The Committee shall plan and carry out a program of social activities for the year, subject to the approval of the Executive Committee.
4:07. The President is ex officio a member of all standing committees and may attend their meetings at his/her convenience.
All Committee Chairs shall provide the President with the schedule, agenda and minutes of their Committee’s meetings.
4:08. The President or Executive Committee may establish additional committees as the need arises and continues.
5:01. WURA shall elect annually in the spring by mail ballot a member who was previously a member of the Faculty Association as a representative to the Executive Committee and Council of the Faculty Association and a second member who was previously a member of the Faculty Association as a representative to the Council of the Faculty Association.
5:02. WURA shall elect annually in the spring by mail ballot a member who was previously a member of the Faculty Association as a representative to the Contract Committee of the Faculty Association.
5:03. The Executive Committee shall annually recommend three members who were previously members of the Faculty Association to serve on the Retirement and Benefits Committee of the Faculty Association.
6:01. At least two meetings of the membership will be held each year, at the call of the President.
6:02. One of these meetings will be held during the Winter Semester of the University; and one during the Fall Semester. The latter shall be known as the Annual General Meeting.
6:03. Additional meetings of the membership may be called by the Executive Committee of the Association subsequent either to a resolution passed by majority vote of its members or to the receipt of a written petition from 25 members of WURA.
6:04. Notice of meetings shall be sent to members by mail or e-mail at least two weeks in advance.
6:05. The Executive shall meet monthly or as the need arises at the call of the President or any five members of the Executive Committee.
7:01. A quorum for Executive meetings shall be 50% of the Executive members at the time. A quorum for General Meetings shall be 25 members of the Association.
8:01. Annual dues shall be payable by members of the Association. Funds so paid will be used solely to defray expenses associated directly with the purposes of the Association.
8:02. The amount of such dues, for each year in advance, shall be set at each Annual General Meeting in response to a motion introduced by the Treasurer.
8:03. The annual dues shall be payable to the Treasurer at the Annual General Meeting or as soon as possible thereafter.
8:04. The Treasurer shall keep account of the Association’s funds and arrange to have them audited internally annually.
8:05. The Treasurer shall provide a statement of the Association’s finances at the Annual General Meeting.
9:01. This constitution may be amended at any General Meeting of the Association provided that notice of such amendment is provided by mail or e-mail to the membership four weeks prior to the date of the General Meeting.
9:02. An amendment requires the support of two-thirds of those present and voting.