New For-Credit Graduate Diploma Programs

Universities may grant diplomas in acknowledgement of students’ participation in either for-credit or not-for-credit activities at the undergraduate and graduate level. Not-for-credit and for-credit undergraduate diploma programs are not subject to approval or audit by the Quality Council. The Quality Council recognizes only three types or categories of Graduate Diploma and has specific appraisal conditions (and an associated submission template) applying to each:

  • Type 1: Awarded when a candidate admitted to a master’s program leaves the program after completing a certain proportion of the requirements. Students are not admitted directly to these programs. New type 1 graduate diploma programs are submitted as major modifications (submitted through a PDC Form B). 
  • Type 2: Offered in conjunction with a master’s (or doctoral) degree, the admission to which requires that the candidate be already admitted to the master’s (or doctoral) program. This represents an additional, usually interdisciplinary, qualification. When new, these programs require submission to the Quality Council for an Expedited Approval (no external reviewers required) prior to their adoption. Once approved, they will be incorporated into the schedule for cyclical reviews as part of the parent program.
  • Type 3: A stand-alone, direct-entry program, generally developed by a unit already offering a related master’s (and sometimes doctoral) degree, and designed to meet the needs of a particular clientele or market. Where the program has been conceived and developed as a distinct and original entity, the institution will use the Expedited Approval. All such programs, once approved, will be subject to the normal cycle of program reviews, typically in conjunction with the related degree program.

Courses for a Graduate Diploma Program typically range between 5-6 courses, however there is no required set number of courses. 

All new undergraduate or graduate new diploma proposals begins with the Notice of Intent (NOI).

Once the NOI has been submitted, a meeting with the New Program Steering Committee will be arranged by the IQAP Office.

Once the NOI has been submitted, a meeting with the New Program Steering Committee will be arranged by the IQAP Office. The meeting notes and any action items generated by the NPSC meeting will be forwarded to the applicant with the PDC Form A following approval by the Associate Vice-President, Academic (AVPA). We will work continuously with you to complete the Form A. The Provost receives the NOI and NPSC meeting notes for their information. 

Timelines for a New Graduate Diploma Program:

A New Graduate Diploma Program follows an expedited Quality Council approval process and does not require an external review.

Components of a New Graduate Diploma Proposal:

The Components of a New Graduate Diploma Proposal differ from other New Program proposals in it follows an expedited approval process and no external review is required.

  1. Notice of Intent
  2. PDC Form A (will be emailed after Provost Approval)
  3. Faculty CVs

Please note: For all PDC Form A proposals: the proposals will be finalized by the IQAP Office before the PDC Form A can be uploaded to the PDC Workflow Approval.

Approval Processes for New Graduate Diploma Programs:

  1. New Program Steering Committee Meeting
  2. Provost Approval
  3. The Quality Assurance Office will email the PDC Form A once Provost approval has been given. 
  4. After approval of the completed PDC Form A from the Quality Assurance Office, the proposal moves through the PDC Workflow Approval stages. 
  5. Departmental Council or Faculty Council for non-departmentalized faculties
  6. Faculty Coordinating Council(s) (for departmentalized faculties)
  7. Program Development Committee
  8. Senate
  9. Quality Council for review and recommendations

PDC and Senate Deadlines and Submission Dates 

Please note: For all PDC Form A proposals: the proposals will be finalized by the IQAP Office before the PDC Form A can be moved through the PDC Workflow Approval stages.