Current University of Windsor students seeking individual psychotherapy services should first go to the Student Counseling Centre (SCC), 2nd floor CAW Student Centre.
The SCC provides an initial assessment, crisis intervention, and short-term counseling and may provide a referral to the PSRC for longer term therapy.
Students who wish to participate in advertised group psychotherapy programs that are offered at PSRC may contact The House on Riverside by telephone (519-973-7012) or in person (2629 Riverside Drive West) to register.
Initial Consultation
Clients will be scheduled for a first appointment as soon as a therapist is available. Wait times vary during the year but a first appointment is typically arranged within two to three weeks. The type of assistance being sought will be discussed during the initial session.
Below is a flowchart outlining the referral process for individual and group psychotherapy clients. University of Windsor students may be referred for individual psychotherapy by a counsellor at the Student Counselling Centre. If a referral is made, students are asked to bring the referral form to The House on Riverside and complete an intake questionnaire before any therapy sessions will be scheduled. Therapy sessions are only scheduled between October and April in accordance with the academic calendar.
Students seeking group psychotherapy can call or visit The House on Riverside directly. Students will then be asked to complete a demographic screening/intake questionnaire and will be contacted to attend an intake interview to determine if they are appropriate for group therapy.