Life as a Part-time Student at UWindsor
How can a part-time or mature student prepare for university? Don't focus solely on academics because your work, personal experience, and critical thinking skills developed while working and raising a family may be applicable to the learning tasks you will face in your courses. Deep planning and meaningful conversations with your family or employer are required for the journey to university. Balancing work, school, and family requires perseverance, patience, and determination. Remember to make time for fun, family, and exploring opportunities outside of the classroom, which will contribute to your overall well-being. It may be difficult to re-establish a school routine or navigate the campus, but do not give up! There are numerous resources available to help part-time students succeed.
What is OPUS?
OPUS is the Organization of Part-time University of Students, a student association providing services and advocacy to part-time and mature undergraduate students at the University of Windsor. OPUS was established in 1969 to provide a means for part-time & mature students to have their voices heard on campus. As OPUS, we believe that part-time and mature students have different needs, concerns, and problems distinct from the rest of the campus student body. These students work hard to balance their many responsibilities of home, family, work and education. OPUS attempts to help students cope with the additional pressures of studies and help them adjust to an academic environment.
Workers and managers, teens and grandparents – our 3000 part-time students come from every walk of life, all ages and with a wide variety of interests. With evening and distance courses and a full range of student services, we provide abundant opportunity for academic accomplishment and personal growth... part-time!
Why Part-time? Why now?
Studying part-time has the advantage of flexibility and control. Students can pursue a degree while continuing to work so that they can maintain seniority in their present job, raising their children, or as they fulfill any of life’s many responsibilities. OPUS provides many services to part-time and mature students such as Drug & Dental Benefits Plan, awards and bursaries, bus pass, job/volunteer opportunities, social events, and much more!
Since part-time and mature students can study during the day or evening in each of the Fall or Winter terms, as well as during intersession and Summer sessions, you can control the shape and length of their program. You can choose one to three courses per term and schedule them to fit your lifestyle. A 30-course degree for example, can be finished in four years, or done more slowly over a longer period of time.
Why UWindsor?
Picture yourself here.
Quality programs. Exceptional faculty members. A friendly, supportive campus. This is the University of Windsor - a comprehensive research and teaching institution. We offer a broad range of outstanding undergraduate, graduate, co-operative education and professional programs to more than 14,000 students. We offer you a world of opportunities. Why not put yourself in the picture?