Accessibility Feedback (Reporting a Barrier)

Accessibility Feedback

Accessibility is a general term used to describe the degree to which a product, device, service or environment is available to all intended audiences.  Individuals with disabilities may encounter a variety of physical, technological or attitudinal barriers.

At the University of Windsor, our mission is to create a fully accessible environment for everyone. We do this by providing accessible customer service in the areas of information and communications, facilities and customer service. 

If you would like to share with us suggestions for ways to improve accessibility and inclusion or if you would like to share your experience of how inclusion and accessibility at the University of Windsor made a difference, please complete the  Accessibility Feedback Form. Identifying information collected by OHREA from the form will be kept confidential except for the purposes of tracking and disseminating to the appropriate unit both for follow-up and/or to share the content of the feedback, both positive and negative.

Encountering/Reporting a Barrier

If you encounter a barrier to accessibility, please review the list of options below to ensure that your concerns are reviewed and where appropriate, addressed in the most expeditious manner possible.  If you would like to also bring your concern to our attention or if none of the options are suitable, please complete the Accessibility Feedback Form.

An alternative format of the Accessibility Feedback Form is available upon request. Or, if you need assistance with providing accessibility feedback to the applicable department, please contact the Office of Human Rights, Equity and Accessibility: 

By telephone at (519) 253-3000, extension 3400;
By e-mail request at