Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)


The Office of Human Rights, Conflict Resolution and Mediation (OHRCRM) is responsible for education, human rights inquiries and complaints, accessibility, government reporting, policy development, and other matters requiring accountability in these areas at the University.

Who uses our services?

We provide services to students, staff, and faculty. The office also provides support in resolving unit-wide issues and/or concerns involving multiple parties.

What grounds are included in the Ontario Human Rights Code?

The Ontario Human Rights Code (the Code) prohibits discrimination and harassment on the following grounds: race, ancestry, place of origin, colour, ethnic origin, sex, citizenship, creed (religion), disability, age, marital status, family status, sexual orientation, gender identity and gender expression, receipt of public assistance (in accommodation only), and record of offences (in employment only).

What about non-Code related issues of discrimination and harassment?

The Office of Human Rights, Conflict Resolution and Mediation (OHRCRM) does not normally deal with non-Code related issues, except to provide informal support as needed. General harassment or discrimination concerns that do not pertain to a human rights ground are typically addressed through the following channels:

  • Students - Office of Student Rights and Responsibilties
  • Staff - Human Resources (Staff Labour Relations)
  • Faculty - Office of the Provost (Executive Director, Academic Labour Relations)

What are the employment equity designated groups at the University?

There are four (4) federally designated groups: Indigenous/Aboriginal peoples, persons with disabilities, racialized peoples/visible minorities, and women. In addition, the University includes sexual/gender minorities as a 5th designated group within the employment equity program.

What types of things are included under accessibility?

Accessibility includes, but is not limited to, the physical environment, technology, service delivery, communication considerations, workplace needs, education and awareness, providing and reviewing various needs for accommodation. Accessibility includes requirements for permanent, temporary, chronic, or episodic disabilities or disabling conditions.

What funding supports are available?

  • The Employee Accommodation Fund is designed to provide units with funding assistance for employee accommodation supports.
  • The Campus Safety Grant Funding provided from an MCU grant for projects intended for safety and proactive measures to reduce sexual violence on campuses across Ontario.

Where can I find...?

Information concerning Religious Accommodation is available on this website where you will find:

A Multi-Faith Calendar is available on this website, accessible by signing in with your UWin ID, to assist with awareness regarding the occurrences of a variety of faith-based observances.

Information regarding accessible amenities, such as accessible entrances and facilities, is available on our website under Resources - Maps. There is also a page within our site under Accessibility - Building Information that provides more in-depth information on accessible features/services for specific buildings on campus. Hard copies and copies in alternative formats of the map are available by emailing

A list of all Universal/Single-User Washrooms on Campus is available on this website.

Tutorials on creating documents in accessible formats are available on this website.

The Breastfeeding Room is a well-lit, quiet and private space to breastfeed, bottle-feed, or express milk. It is located at 401 Sunset Avenue, Chrysler Hall Tower, 3rd Floor, Room 320.  Please note that the room is kept locked, access forms for an electronic prox card/fob may be obtained through UWindsor's Key Control System, you will need a UWindsor ID to login. On a temporary basis, the room can be accessed during business hours (8:30am-4:30pm Monday-Friday) through OHREA reception, located at Chrysler Hall Tower, Room 319. Please email or call ext. 3400 if you have any questions.

Information on various policies and guidelines can be found on our website under Policies and Guidelines.

3 Things you wish all instructors knew about your services...

  • That the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA) has certain training requirements that are mandatory for all employees, volunteers, and 3rd party service providers—we’re happy to help you determine what format works best for your needs (online, in-person, hard copy).
  • That completing the Self-Identification Survey, and updating it as needed, is critical to the development and attainment of University-wide and unit-specific employment equity goals in diversity and inclusion.
  • That contact from our office is to engage all parties in a remedial process that results in an increased awareness about a situation or issue. The focus is on education and fostering an environment of respect and inclusion.