Associate Professor
Associate Dean, Research and Graduate Studies (Acting)

Phone : (519) 253 - 3000 ext:4980
Office: H.K. Building Room 112
Biomechanics, Human Factors & Ergonomics
B.A. (Honours), Wilfrid Laurier University, Kinesiology & Physical Education, 2001.
M.H.K., University of Windsor, Occupational Biomechanics, 2004.
Ph.D., McMaster University, Biomechanics, 2011.
Joel Cort’s basic research focuses on examining the mechanics of human articular joints with the emphasis of his work on the lumbar spine and the knee joints, specifically, combining human anatomy, mechanical and motor control principles. Dr. Cort is interested in understanding joint stability, with the ultimate goal of joint injury prevention. To aid him in his research, Dr. Cort uses electromyography recordings, three dimensional motion capture, robotics and biomechanical mathematical modeling to determine the level of joint safety, during various joint motions. His overall ambition of injury prevention has also directed his applied occupational biomechanics research focus. He continues to derive great pleasure in working with automotive industry leaders in an effort to reduce musculoskeletal injuries, during the assembly of automobiles. Dr. Cort loves to golf, when he can, and is an avid professional football fan.
Areas of Research Interest
- Muscular reflex contribution to joint stability
- Joint movement mechanics
- Architecture of spinal musculature
- Ergonomic threshold tolerance limits
- Biomechanical modeling
Research and Publications