FAQ - Health Insurance

The Green Shield Health Insurance Plan (GSHIP)/University Health Insurance Plan (UHIP) is a mandatory health insurance plan for all International Students studying at the University of Windsor. GSHIP provides International Students basic necessary medical health coverage equivalent to what Ontario permanent residents receive under the Provincial Government’s Ontario Health Insurance Plan. (OHIP)

GSHIP/UHIP/OHIP Equivalent coverage is the same coverage that Ontario permanent residents receive under the Provincial Government’s Ontario Health Insurance Plan. (OHIP) The following are services that are normally covered under OHIP and will be covered under the GSHIP/UHIP/OHIP Equivalent Plan:

  • doctor and specialist visits in a hospital or clinic
  • laboratory services ordered by a doctor
  • diagnostic testing ordered by a doctor
  • admission to hospital ordered by a doctor
  • surgeries, procedures, operations medically necessary, ordered by a doctor
  • prenatal and postnatal care
  • one annual physical examination (body check)
  • repatriation

For more details, please view the My Benefit Plan Booklet.

• doctors’ medical notes

• ambulance fees ($45)

• alcohol and drug overdose

• cosmetic procedures

• services not normally covered under the Provincial Government’s OHIP

• services covered under the Workers’ Compensation Act

• services required for Immigration and travel purposes

All NEW registered International Students will receive an email from Green Shield Canada (GSC) in the following month after classes begin. The email will include instructions on how to register and download your electronic copy of the green shield card. You will need to present your GSC OHIP Equivalent health card when visiting any health care provider or any medical facility for any medical services that are covered under this plan in Canada. You must carry your GSC health card with you at all times or be able to present an electronic version on your phone to receive medical services. Your GSC health card does not expire, the policy does, so please do not discard the GSC health card until you no longer meet the eligibility criteria. If you need to see a doctor before the GSC cards are available, you will have to pay for the medical services in advance, get a receipt and then submit a claim for reimbursement at a later date once you have been emailed your GSHIP#.

You may qualify for OHIP coverage if your legal status has changed. Go to the OHIP website to see what the requirements are to be eligible for the OHIP coverage. https://www.ontario.ca/page/apply-ohip-and-get-health-card

You can advise the UHIP Administrator at gship@uwindsor.ca to terminate your GSC OHIP Equivalent health coverage if you have received OHIP coverage from the provincial government. You must provide proof of this.

You may qualify for OHIP coverage if you moved from another country and you are a Canadian Citizen or Permanent Resident. Go to the OHIP website to see what the requirements are to be eligible for the OHIP coverage. https://www.ontario.ca/page/apply-ohip-and-get-health-card

You can advise the UHIP Administrator at gship@uwindsor.ca to terminate your GSC OHIP Equivalent health coverage if you have received OHIP coverage from the provincial government. You must provide proof of this.

Yes, it is mandatory that you be enrolled in the GSHIP coverage during your waiting period for OHIP. Once you show OHIP documentation that your waiting period is over and you are covered by OHIP, we can terminate your GSHIP coverage and refund the unused portion. You will be refunded beginning the following month once you notify the UHIP Administrator.

No, you cannot opt-out of the GSHIP/UHIP/OHIP Equivalent unless you can prove to the UHIP Administrator with detailed documentation that you are one of the following:

  • a sponsored student and your sponsor is paying for your health insurance fees through a registered Canadian health insurance company
  • eligible for the Ontario Health Insurance Plan (OHIP) coverage through Service Ontario
  • a USA citizen, you commute to and from Canada for school, you have medical coverage from the USA that is equivalent to OHIP and will pay for all your medical expenses in Canada
  • an Exchange student and will be studying abroad
  • finished your studies and are leaving Canada
  • covered under your spouse’s Ontario Health Insurance Plan (OHIP) coverage through Service Ontario
  • a Refugee covered under the Federal Program

You may extend your GSHIP/UHIP/OHIP Equivalent coverage for 2-months for an additional fee before the next semester starts if you:

• finish your classes in December, April or August and you are graduating in June or October. You must complete a survey by the deadline.

• are taking an approved Sick Leave - LOA (1 LOA allowed within a 12 month period for GSC OHIP Equivalent health coverage)

• are in a Co-op or Internship Program (you must be enrolled in GSHIP or it may affect your placement)

If you are not registered in classes you will NOT be covered by the GSHIP/UHIP/OHIP Equivalent health coverage; your coverage will end in the month of your Sick Leave or LOA. If you are on an approved Sick Leave, you must provide documentation to be eligible for the GSC OHIP Equivalent Health coverage and pay an additional fee for the coverage. 

Your coverage will automatically begin on the 1st day of the beginning of the semester that you are registered in. If you are registered for the first time and were assessed the Health Insurance Fees in the:

  • FALL semester, coverage will begin September 1st and end December 31st
  • WINTER semester, coverage will begin January 1st and end April 30th
  • INTER/SUMMER semester, coverage will begin May 1st and end August 31st

Your coverage will automatically begin on the 1st day of the beginning of the semester that you are registered in. If you are an UNDERGRAD student registered for the first time and were assessed the annual Health Insurance Fees, your coverage is valid from September 1st - August 31st. If you are a GRAD student registered for the first time and were assessed the quarterly Health Insurance Fees, your coverage is valid from:

  • FALL semester, coverage will begin September 1st and end December 31st
  • WINTER semester, coverage will begin January 1st and end April 30th
  • INTER/SUMMER semester, coverage will begin May 1st and end August 31st

**If you are not registered in the FALL semester and you want to opt-in, please contact the UHIP Administrator. **

If you are a USA citizen, you may opt-out of the GSHIP/UHIP/OHIP Equivalent coverage if you:

  • commute to and from Canada for school, and
  • you have detailed documentation that you have medical coverage from the USA that is equivalent to OHIP that will pay for your entire medical expenses in Canada


If you are a USA citizen, you may opt-in of the GSHIP/UHIP/OHIP Equivalent coverage if you:

  • commute to and from Canada for school, and
  • you do not have medical coverage from the USA that is equivalent to OHIP that will pay for your entire medical expenses in Canada.


If you are a USA citizen, you may not opt-out of the GSHIP/UHIP/OHIP Equivalent coverage if you:

  • live in Canada throughout the school year
  • are a Lancer Athlete

Yes, for an additional fee you can add your immediate family members such as a spouse and child(ren) to your coverage.

Yes, the spouse that has the longest duration of studies remaining can be the primary GSHIP/UHIP/OHIP Equivalent member and the other spouse can opt-out and can be added for an additional fee. Once you notify the UHIP Administrator, a refund of the unused portion of the GSHIP/UHIP/OHIP Equivalent can be requested for the spouse that opts-out.

You can request a refund for the unused portion of the Health Insurance Fees that you paid once you provide the UHIP Administrator detailed documentation that you have the OHIP coverage. Your refund will begin the following month you notify the UHIP Administrator.

No, you are not eligible for a refund if you never use the coverage.

No, the amount paid for Health Insurance Fees are premiums. The GSHIP/UHIP/OHIP Equivalent will pay the reasonable and customary charges up to 100% of the amount allowed under the Ontario Health Insurance Plan’s fixed schedule. The maximum amount payable is $1,000,000.00 per person per year. For more details, go to the link below: My Benefit Plan Booklet. https://www.uwindsor.ca/international-student-centre/sites/uwindsor.ca.international-student-centre/files/gsc_ohip_equivalent_booklet_-_6696_-_100.pdf

Yes, your GSHIP/UHIP/OHIP Equivalent coverage is valid within Canada. You may have to pay in advance but you will be reimbursed once you file a Claim Form. You are not covered outside of Canada.

You may go to any hospital or clinic in Canada and you will receive medical service. You may have to pay in advance but you will be reimbursed once you file a Claim Form.

You can go to the ISC website https://www.uwindsor.ca/international-student-centre/31/health to download the Claim Form, complete the form, and mail it to the address shown above on the Claim Form. Be sure to make a copy for your records and send original receipts. Allow 4-6 weeks for reimbursement.

NO, Claims for GSHIP/UHIP/OHIP Equivalent cannot be submitted online. You must download, complete and submit a Claim Form(s)  with the original receipts and mail it to the address shown in Section 9 of the Claim Form(s)  via Canada Postal Services. Allow 6-8 weeks for reimbursement. You can go to the ISC website https://www.uwindsor.ca/international-student-centre/31/health to download the Claim Form(s)   or you can come to the International Student Centre and we can assist you with the process.

  1. download a Claim Form(s) from the ISC website  
  2. complete the Claim Form(s)
  3. attach the receipt(s)/invoice(s)  
  4. take a copy for your records.  
  5. mail the Claim Form(s) and receipt(s)/invoice(s) to GSC to the address on the Claim Form via Canada Postal Services found in Section 9.
  6. allow 6-8 weeks for a refund/payment. 

Drug, Dental and Vision is not covered under the GSHIP/UHIP/OHIP Equivalent. Prescriptions, dental procedures and vision care is covered under your Supplemental Plan through your Student Group; UWSA, GSS, or OPUS.

No, GSHIP/UHIP/OHIP Equivalent does not cover travel expenses. It will only cover expenses within Canada. Your Student Group’s Supplemental Drug, Dental, and Vision Plan may have Out of Country Travel coverage. Your Student Group; UWSA, GSS, or OPUS.

Allow 4-6 weeks for a reimbursement cheque to arrive by mail to the address you indicated on the Claim Form. You can also contact GSC to set up a Direct Deposit for any reimbursement claims. Please contact GSC Customer Service Centre; 1-888-711-1119.

It depends on the situation; you may receive a full reimbursement only if the amounts claimed for the services are:

  • normally covered under the Provincial Government’s OHIP
  • medically necessary and is not considered cosmetic
  • the maximum amount allowed under the OHIP fixed schedule or the OMA (Ontario Medical Association) Schedule of Fees

For further details, go to the link below: My Benefit Plan Booklet.https://www.uwindsor.ca/international-student-centre/sites/uwindsor.ca.international-student-centre/files/gsc_ohip_equivalent_booklet_-_6696_-_100.pdf

• If you are an undergraduate student; your student group is UWSA

• If you are a Part-Time undergraduate, your student group is OPUS

• If you are a graduate student; your student group is GSS

No, If you were assessed the Health Insurance Fees at the beginning of the academic year and are finished your classes in December and you are graduating in May, your Basic Green Shield Health Insurance Plan (GSHIP) – OHIP Equivalent will terminate December 31st. For an additional fee you can request to extend the coverage for 2-months, until February 28th.

Please send an email to gship@uwindsor.ca if you wish to extend your coverage for 2-months beyond your program course completion.

No, If you were assessed the Health Insurance Fees at the beginning of the academic year and are finished your classes in April and you are graduating in May, your Basic Green Shield Health Insurance Plan (GSHIP) – OHIP Equivalent will terminate April 30th. For an additional fee you can request to extend the coverage for 2-months, until June 30th.

Please send an email to gship@uwindsor.ca if you wish to extend your coverage for 2-months beyond your program course completion.

No, If you were assessed the Health Insurance Fees at the beginning of the academic year and are finished your classes in August and you are graduating in October, your Basic Green Shield Health Insurance Plan (GSHIP) – OHIP Equivalent will terminate August 31st. For an additional fee you can request to extend the coverage for 2-months, until October 31st.

Please send an email to gship@uwindsor.ca if you wish to extend your coverage for 2-months beyond your program course completion.

No, you are not eligible to opt-out because an employer’s coverage is not comparable to the GSHIP/UHIP/OHIP Equivalent coverage. An employer will never offer you the provincial government's coverage or equivalent to it. An employer will offer you a Supplemental coverage, a Drug, Dental, and Vision Plan similar/comparable to what you have through your student group. 

**If you do not have GSHIP/UHIP/OHIP Equivalent or OHIP coverage, your employer’s health benefits will become invalid. **

If your employer can write a letter stating that they will employ you Full-Time for a minimum of 6 months, you may be eligible for the Provincial Government’s OHIP coverage through Service Ontario. Check with your nearest Service Ontario Office for your eligibility. https://www.ontario.ca/page/apply-ohip-and-get-health-card 

Typically, the Guard Me Insurance covers the ELIP Students during their language studies. For further details, go to the Centre for English Language Development’s (CELD) website:  

GSHIP/UHIP/OHIP Equivalent cards are now available digitally. Initially, after the first month when you first start classes, you will receive an email from (GSC) Green Shield Canada.  The email will include instructions on how to register and download your electronic copy of the green shield card. You will need to present your GSC OHIP Equivalent health card when visiting any health care provider or any medical facility for any medical services that are covered under this plan in Canada. You must carry your GSC health card with you at all times or be able to present an electronic version on your phone to receive any medical services. Your GSC health card does not expire, the policy does, so please do not discard the GSC health card until you no longer meet the eligibility criteria.

If you need to see a doctor before the GSC cards are available, during the Black-out period, you will have to pay for the medical services in advance, get a receipt and then submit a claim for reimbursement at a later date when you receive the email from GSC with your GSHIP#.

The GSHIP/UHIP/OHIP Equivalent card never expires but the policy does. You do not need a new card every semester or every year, so do not delete or destroy your GSC card.

The following clinics and hospitals will accept the GSHIP/UHIP/OHIP Equivalent card along with your valid Student ID and will bill Green Shield directly so that you do not have to pay in advance:

  • CAW Student Health Services (University of Windsor Campus)
  • West Windsor Urgent Care - Huron Church Road
  • Windsor Regional Hospital – Ouellette Campus
  • Windsor Regional Hospital – Met Campus

For a list of clinics in the Windsor area, click on the following link:

Walk-In Clinics


If you were assessed the Health Insurance Fees at the beginning of the academic year and are finished your classes in December and you are graduating in May, your Basic Green Shield Health Insurance Plan (GSHIP) – OHIP Equivalent will terminate December 31st. For an additional fee you can request to extend the coverage for 2-months, until February 28th.

If you were assessed the Health Insurance Fees at the beginning of the academic year and are finished your classes in April and you are graduating in May, your Basic Green Shield Health Insurance Plan (GSHIP) – OHIP Equivalent will terminate April 30th. For an additional fee you can request to extend the coverage for 2-months, until June 30th.

A survey will be sent out at the end of each semester with a deadline date to complete it for the 2-month extension.

No because you were assessed the Health Insurance Fees at the beginning of the academic year last year and you are finished your classes in August and you are graduating in October, your Basic Green Shield Health Insurance Plan (GSHIP) – OHIP Equivalent will terminate August 31st. For an additional fee you can request to extend the coverage for 2-months, until October 31st.

Please send an email to gship@uwindsor.ca if you wish to extend your coverage for 2-months beyond your program course completion.

NOTE: OHIP equivalent insurance will not be provided by your employer, however, you are eligible to apply for OHIP once you have secured full-time employment.

Make sure you indicate that you are a recent graduate of the University of Windsor looking for OHIP equivalent insurance or it may also be referred to "travel insurance".

Here is a list of private insurance companies that offer health coverage if you are staying in Canada after graduating from the University of Windsor:

1.      Allianz Global Assistance –    Tel: 1-800-363-1835

                                                            Web: https://www.allianz-assistance.ca/en/

2.      JF Insurance Agency Group - Tel: 1-877-832-5541

                                                              Web: https://www.jfgroup.ca/

3.      Guard Me                     - Tel: 1-877-873-8447

                                                Web: http://www.guard.me/

4.      Mercer                                     - Tel: 1-416-868-2621

                                                Web: www.mercer.ca

5.      Cowan                                     - Tel: 1-866-925-6377

                                                Web: www.cowangroup.ca

6.      Campus Care               - Tel: 1-888-227-0551

                                                Web: www.campuscare.ca

7.      Manulife Financial       - Tel: 1-888-913-6333

                                                 Web: www.manulife.ca