- Monday to Friday: 8:30am – 4:30pm
- A Financial Estimation letter is a letter stating how much money a student needs for tuition and living expenses. Usually the Central or Government Bank requires this letter in order to release specified amounts of currency from holdings. To request a Financial Estimation letter, follow the instructions below:
- Fill out the Financial Estimation Request form found on our website
- Specify what terms you are requesting for the estimate (if multiple terms one letter for all, or one letter per term) o
- Obtain a copy of your Cashier’s receipt or printout of your SIS Account. This receipt must show your full name and student ID number.
- Once you have gathered the required documents, submit them to the front desk at the ISC. You will be emailed when the letter is ready for pickup. Please allow 3 business days for processing.
- The University of Windsor has an Emergency Relief Fund for International Students that may support International Students during a temporary period of financial difficulty. Before a student can be referred to the application process, the student must first arrange for an appointment to meet with the Director in the International Student Centre.
- Check the ISC announcements on Brightspace, where we post announcements, events and important information. You will also gain access to additional resources and information. Visit the ISC’s website for more information.
- You must fill out an application to obtain a replacement copy if your document is lost/stolen/destroyed. A non-refundable fee of $30.00 applies and payment must be included with the application. Visit the Citizenship and Immigration Canada website for instructions on how to fill out and mail the application.
- The process varies from country to country. You will have to contact the of your country in order to find out the application procedures. Once you have renewed your passport, you must then renew your study permit, and, if you are planning to travel, your entry visa.
- Information regarding what you need to do when changing your program or program with regards to immigration policy can be found here
- If you are an undergraduate student visit the Advising Centre to speak with the Academic Advisor.
- If you are a graduate student please speak with your departments Academic Advisor.
- To get a Social Insurance Number (SIN), you have to fill out an application. You also need to bring the following documents to submit with your application:
- Your passport
- Letter of confirmation of enrolment from the University. You can get this letter online from UWinsite Student.
- A valid Study permit issued by CIC. A study permit is acceptable only when it indicates that the permit holder “may accept employment” or “may work” in Canada.
You need to apply in person at the nearest Service Canada Centre, or come to the ISC’s SIN Clinic where we invite a Service Canada officer to issue SINs to eligible Students. Check your Brightspace ISC announcements for dates for the next SIN Clinic.
- **For the 2025 Tax Season, the International Student Centre will be suspending the free Tax Clinic hosted at the University of Windsor. We will be referring students to other tax clinics in the area: Find a tax clinic.**
- Community Legal Aid (CLA) offers legal services by appointment at two locations:
443 Ouellette Avenue, 2nd Floor, Windsor, ON
Monday – Friday 9:00am – 4:30pm
(519) 253-7150
Areas of Law offered at this location:
- Landlord & Tenant
- Highway Traffic
- Criminal/Provincial Offences
- Small Claims
- Consumer Protection Act
- Wrongful Dismissal/Unpaid Wages
• Speak with someone from the Community Legal Aid (CLA) office they offer legal services by appointment at two locations:
443 Ouellette Avenue, 2nd Floor, Windsor, ON
Monday – Friday 9:00am – 4:30pm
Areas of Law offered at this location:
- Landlord & Tenant
- Highway Traffic
- Criminal/Provincial Offences
- Small Claims
- Consumer Protection Act
- Wrongful Dismissal/Unpaid Wages
- To get your ISIC card visit the University of Windsor Student Alliance (UWSA) office on the 2nd floor in the CAW. Bring your validated student card and a passport size photo.
- Visit the Student Awards and Financial aid website, or browse through eligible scholarships and bursaries on UWinsite Student.
- There are a few options on and off campus to get support:
On campus:
Student Counselling Centre
Room 293 CAW Centre
University of Windsor
Monday-Friday: 8:30am - 4:30pm
519-253-3000 ext 4616
- Good2Talk: 24 Hour Student Helpline: 1-866-925-5454
- Community Crisis Centre at Windsor Regional Hospital Ouellette campus. This includes:
- A 24-hour crisis telephone line - 519-973-4435
- 24 hour walk-in service at Ouellette Campus emergency department
- There may be a few reasons why you cannot register for your courses:
- Study Permit not on file: Visit the International Student Centre or the Office of the Registrar to inquire.
- Financial: You may have an outstanding balance. Visit the Cashiers office to inquire.
- Academic: You may have conditions on your record or you may have not received an appointment time. Visit the Office of the Registrar to inquire.
Please review our two part scams webinar on ISC Brightspace under "Protect Yourself from Scams and Tenant Rights"
This scams webinar was held in March and April of 2021. All information is current as of those dates. Please refer to the appropriate organization website for the must up to date information.
In this two part series you will learn from our panel of experts on your rights and responsibilities as a tenant and how to protect yourself from scams.
Part 1: Avoid Being a Victim of Scams
Part 2: Tenants Rights & Responsibilities
You can also visit the Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre website for more information on current scams, how to protect yourself, and how to report an incident
Insurance protects you from the unexpected and from being held liable. It is typically very low cost.
Health Insurance:
As an international student, you cannot be in Canada without insurance. Health Insurance is included as part of your tuition and is mandatory for all UWindsor students. All it takes is one unexpected health incident for you to understand why it is so critical to have.
Home/Contents/Renters Insurance:
All students should have home/tenant insurance. Even if you don’t own your home, as a renter, if something unexpected happens to your belongings (flood, fire, theft), you will be very glad that you purchased contents insurance. Worst of all, if your actions are responsible for causing damage in your landlord’s house and you are found to be liable, without insurance, your landlord, or their insurance company can hold you liable for all costs. You should shop for a reputable insurance company. There are many in Windsor to choose from. Most content insurance policy rates are extremely reasonably priced and would protect you and your belongings.
Auto Insurance:
Whether you have your own car or plan to travel with another driver, it is critical that the registered owner of the vehicle has comprehensive auto insurance coverage.
Not having any of these insurances can be devastating to your health and your finances. Unexpected circumstances occur more often than you think.