Faculty & Department Codes

Faculty Code Faculty Name
ARTHS Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences
Department Code Department Name
ARTHUMSS Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences (Office of the Dean)
COMMEDIA Communication, Media and Film
DRAMA Dramatic Art
ENGLISH English and Creative Writing
LANGLITCUL Languages, Literatures and Cultures
POLSCIENCE Political Science
PSYCHOLGY Psychology
SOCANTHRO Sociology, Anthropology and Criminology
SOCARTS School of Creative Arts
WOMGENSTUD Women's and Gender Studies
Faculty Code Faculty Name
BUS Odette School of Business
Department Code Department Name
BUSINESS Odette School of Business
Faculty Code Faculty Name
EDUC Faculty of Education
Department Code Department Name
EDUCATION Faculty of Education
Faculty Code Faculty Name
ENG Faculty of Engineering
Department Code Department Name
CIVENVRENG Civil and Environmental Engineering
ELECLENG Electrical and Computer Engineering
GENERALENG General Engineering
MECHANLENG Mechanical, Automotive, and Materials Engineering
Faculty Code Faculty Name
HUMK Faculty of Human Kinetics
Department Code Department Name
HUMKINETICS Faculty of Human Kinetics
Faculty Code Faculty Name
LAW Faculty of Law
Department Code Department Name
LAW Faculty of Law
Faculty Code Faculty Name
NURS Faculty of Nursing
Department Code Department Name
NURSING Faculty of Nursing
Faculty Code Faculty Name
SCIEN Faculty of Science
Department Code Department Name
BIOLOGY Integrative Biology
BIOMEDICAL Biomedical Sciences
Chemistry Chemistry and Biochemistry
COMPSCIENC Computer Science
EARTHENVT School of the Environment
MATHSTATS Mathematics and Statistics
SCIENCE Faculty of Science (Office of the Dean)

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