In response to the Ministry of Colleges and Universities (MCU) requirement that institutions make data regarding employment rates, graduation rates, and OSAP default rates available for students, the University of Windsor is posting these three indicators.
The data is published in 26 program categories of which the University of Windsor has programs in 15 categories. Other Arts and Science includes students enrolled in General Arts and Science majors not specified by other categories or unspecified. Kinesiology, Recreation, Physical Education also includes students enrolled in programs in non-teaching fields. Other Health Professions includes students enrolled in Basic Medical Science programs, Medical Specialties, Paraclinical Sciences, Epidemiology and Public Health, and Medical Technology. (Medical Interns have been excluded).
To maintain adequate confidentiality in light of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, information has not been shown in instances where the number of students is five or fewer.
Each year the Ministry of Colleges and Universities, in cooperation with Ontario’s universities, administers the Ontario University Graduate Survey. The survey is administered to all graduates (Bachelors and First Professional Degree Programs) two years after graduation, and asks for information on their employment outcomes at six months and two years after graduation.
MCU calculates graduation rates using a single entering cohort of students and determining whether or not they graduated within seven years. The methodology employed involves the selection of all new full-time, Year One undergraduate students on the official enrolment file, who have a valid (and unique) student ID number, and were seeking either a Bachelors or First Professional Degree. The subset is then matched against the records for students who received a degree (in any program) from the same institution during the most current seven year period.
The OSAP default rate reflects the repayment status of students (undergraduate and graduate) who were issued an Ontario Student Loan (OSL) in a given academic year and completed or left the university by the following year. The status of these loans is assessed as of the next July or about two years after the loan was issued. An Ontario Student Loan is in default when the Ontario government has paid a bank's claim for an inactive loan. A loan is inactive when no payments were made by the student for at least 90 days. Student loan recipients/defaulters are, for purpose of calculating default rates, assigned to the last institution/program they attended.
Annual Reports