
Fellowships, Scholarships, & Application for Support

Please note that the following Fellowships, Scholarships or Awards are specific to the Humanities Research Group or the Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences. For other awards or further information, please contact Student Awards and Financial Aid.
Further note: All awards are subject to budgetary approval and may not be awarded for the upcoming year due to budgetary restraints.

HRG Fellowship 

The HRG Fellowship is designed to provide a University of Windsor faculty member with research or creative projects in the arts, humanities, or in theoretical, historical, or philosophical aspects of the social sciences the time necessary to complete major research or creative projects and to prepare the results for publication, presentation, or performance. Fellows will be affiliated with the HRG and deliver a public lecture presenting their work. HRG Fellowships carry an award of one term (two courses) release time from teaching, during which, fellows will be expected to engage in full-time research. Regular full-time faculty members, tenured or tenure-track, are eligible to apply, with preference given to tenure-track applicants in the Humanities. 

The HRG Fellowship is specifically geared toward tenure-track researchers/artists in the Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences, who are working on ambitious projects and will benefit most from the time that this award allows. We seek to make a significant impact on researchers by supporting them to complete work that would not otherwise be doable within the timeframe, and to reward work that is underway, and with a full-semester of dedicated work, on track for completion within the calendar year of the award. For example, a 2023-2024 fellowship should be submitted for publication, performance or exhibition, etc., before January 1, 2025. 

There is no application form. Applicants should submit a three-page application, outlined below, a CV, and their head of department must email a brief email of support, cc'd to the applicants, in advance of the deadline. 

Letters of application should include one page covering each of the following: 

1. The Project 

A one-page abstract describing: 

  •  how this project fits into your broader work or creative practice. 
  •  the significance of the project within your field (and beyond, if applicable.) 
  •  who will be impacted by your project? How? 

2. Significance, Timeline and Deliverables 

One page detailing: 

  • Why this support from the HRG is vital to your project. 
  • Where are you in the process? How much is underway and how much is left to complete? When do you reasonably anticipate completion? 
  • What are the deliverables? When will they be delivered, what audiences will they reach and by what methods? 
  • What expressed or committed external support, if any, do you have for this project already? For example, include specifics about: grants awarded or submitted, expressions of interest or contracts for publication or exhibition, published or exhibited excerpts, that relate directly to the project you are applying for. 

3. Audience and HRG Stakeholders 

One page that outlines how the HRG audience of UW students, faculty, and broader community members will benefit. 

Please include a rationale for how your project will: 

  • resonate with and engage HRG audience members 
  • bring new audiences to the HRG 
  • acknowledge this support from the HRG 

4. A curriculum vitae 

A regular CV is preferred to an eCV but either are accepted. 

5. A brief email from the applicant’s head in support of the application 

Nothing beyond a brief statement from your head of department is required. Emails should express (a) support for the application and (b) must confirm that the applicant is eligible to take two course releases in the year of the fellowship without contravening the collective agreement.

Emails should be addressed to the HRG and sent to and cc'd to the applicant.  


Applicants must be:

1.  full-time faculty in FAHSS

2.  able to take the two-course release during the term of the award.  The fellowship cannot be deferred.  Please only apply when you are capable of accepting the award. 

Please Note:  The HRG will consider all eligible applicants but gives priority to early career scholars.  The HRG Fellowship will not be awarded to faculty members who have previously received the award. 

The deadline is October 31st, 2024 for consideration for an HRG Fellowship for the next academic year. 


HRG Student Fellowship Program

Thanks to a partnership between the HRG (FAHSS) and the Office of the Provost, the HRG Student Fellowship Program provides funding to three upper-year undergraduate students and three graduate students and the opportunity to advance their own research or creative projects under the mentorship of our HRG Fellow.  The HRG invites applications from students from any department working in the humanities, engaging in research and the study of literature, the arts, history, and philosophy.  Students selected for this fellowship will receive funding of $1000 for graduate students and $500 for undergraduates.  HRG Student Fellows will meet as a group with the HRG Fellow on a monthly basis in both fall and winter semesters as they prepare to submit their projects to the SSHRC Storytellers Challenge and the Ontario Regional's Three Minute Thesis competition. 

HRG Student Fellows commit to attending our monthly public HRG events, contributing to the student research culture in the Humanities, and promoting the mandate of the HRG over the course of their fellowship term.  HRG Student Fellowship Program will also prepare these students for a career in the Humanities by developing the essential skills associated with grant writing and compiling the key components of a successful graduate school/job application. Additionally, each graduate student will be paired with an undergraduate student and asked to establish a mutually beneficial growth-fostering mentor-mentee relationship.

If you are interested in participating in this program, we ask that you submit the following documents to as 1 PDF file:

  • Letter of Application (2 pages max.)
    • Describe your project and your main deliverable (for example, an article website, presentation, film, performance, event, etc.).  What are you setting out to do, and what will the final output be? - How will you achieve it within the timeframe of the fellowship? 
    • As you describe your project, include citations (in-text and at the end, on a separate one-page reference list) to demonstrate your grasp of the field/position of your project within the literature. 
    • Explain how this project  A) is a humanities project by referencing the humanities as defined by the Encyclopedia Britannica, and B)  contributes to the betterment of the field of study and the local community.
    • Notify the application committee of any pre-existing funding that you already have for this project and/or any funded projects that you  are currently working on with a faculty member.
    • Articulate why you want to be involved in this program.
    • Identify your future goals.
  • Curriculum Vitae (5 pages max.)
    • This file should outline your educational background; employment record; published works; conference presentations; academic awards/funding; certificates; professional development activities; service to the faculty, university, and community.


An E-mail of Support from a Faculty Member in your Department

  • This e-mail must be sent directly to with the subject line: “HRG Student Fellowship Application.”
  • This e-mail should detail the student’s relationship with the faculty member, the student’s capability to complete the proposed project, and the merit of the project.


Applications for 2025-2026 HRG Student Fellows are due to HRG mail by May 31st, 2025.  We look forward to your applications. 

Scholarships and Awards

Joseph T. Culliton Award in the Humanities  
Peter W. Halford Award in the Humanities

HRG Co-Sponsorships: Application for support

The Humanities Research Group promotes research in all disciplines in the humanities.  It seeks to promote communication and exchange of ideas among these and other disciplines and to promote research and communication across the faculty and across the University.  HRG typically supports events that have other supporting partners, and we welcome partnerships locally, regionally, within our nation and beyond in support of our mandate with contributions of up to $250. Applications will be accepted, reviewed, and allocated, budget depending, from September 1 - May 1 each academic year.
Please email your proposal at least 6 weeks in advance to

Please submit your proposal as answers to the following questions, 1-6:

  1. What event or activity do you propose, and how does it support the co-sponsorship mandate above?
  2. What constituencies served by the HRG will participate in, or benefit from, this event?  (Community or Arts Organizations, Academic Societies, Conferences or Consortia, Faculty Members, Undergraduate, Graduate Students, Part-Time Students, etc.)
  3. What date(s) and site(s) do you propose for your event?
  4. What is the budget proposed for your event?  (Please attach document) 
  5. The HRG typically co-sponsors events and activities for which funding is also forthcoming from other sources, providing monies for specific needs.  What support are you receiving from other funding bodies? What support will you be providing? What funding do you specifically request from the HRG, and what need(s) will this support? (Ex: publicity, travel funds, accommodation, space and event support, equipment and/or catering, etc.)
  6.  Who should the HRG contact if further information is required?