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University Secretariat

What does the University Secretariat do?

The University Secretariat administers the governance of the University by providing consistent advisory and administrative support to the Board of Governors (oversight of all operational aspects), the Senate (oversight of academic matters), their Standing Committees, and ad hoc committees.

The University Secretariat provides the following services: advice on the implementation of Board and Senate bylaws, policies and procedures; advice and guidance in the development of bylaws, policies, program, and academic regulations; and advice and guidance on matters of jurisdiction, strategy, policy, and process to all members of the University community. The University Secretariat provides the official interpretation of Board and Senate bylaws and policies.

What types of training are available from the University Secretariat?

Workshops hosted through the office of Employee Engagement, small group, or one-on-one orientations are available on university governance, minute-taking, Senate bylaws and policies, rules of procedures for Committees (particularly as they relate to Senate Committees). An overview and assistance with the Committee/Senate approval process, particularly as it relates to program and course changes, is also available.

I need to make a course or program change or create a new course. What should I do?

Consult with the head, before moving forward. Depending on the nature of the change, consult with one or more of the following: the head, the dean, CTL, the IQAP office, the Provost’s office. Complete the required Program Development Committee (PDC) Form. Before moving forward with any change, you should contact the University Secretariat for advice on forms and process. This will help limit delays and bottlenecks as you move through the approval process.

I want to develop a new program. What do I need to know?

All new program proposals require external review, and approval at the following levels: departmental, Provost, Program Development Committee, Senate, Ontario Council on Quality Assurance Council. Ministry approval is also often required. Contact the Office of Quality Assurance (often referred to as the IQAP office) and/or the University Secretariat for advice on forms and process.

A Statement of Intent Form will need to be submitted to the IQAP office. You and the head should ensure early consultation with the dean, the Provost, Budgets, CTL, the Registrar’s Office and the University Secretariat to help mitigate delays and bottlenecks as you move through the process.

Where can I find the rules for what has to be in my course outline?

Some Faculties have developed a course outline template, which must be used by all instructors. The template was developed in consultation with the University Secretariat and should include all items that need to be in the course outline, in accordance with Senate bylaws and policies, and Faculty policies. For information on what must be on the course outline, see Senate Bylaw 51, 1.2 (List of Senate Bylaws).

I want to file an academic misconduct complaint. How do I go about this?

Always assess the merits of potential misconduct cases with careful consideration of whether misconduct occurred. Prior to filing a complaint, the instructor should determine the advisability of an educational response (i.e. a teachable moment), in cases where the act is determined to be the result of an oversight, error or lack of understanding of expectations on the part of the student. In such cases, a teachable moment offered by the instructor should be considered in lieu of filing or pursuing a complaint.

Such teachable moments are a learning opportunity for the student, whereby the instructor engages in an informal lesson or discussion with the student on the particular matter. Teachable moments can be a more appropriate and effective way of reaching and educating the student, and mitigating repeat offences, than the pursuit of a complaint and/or the imposition of any sanction.

If you determine that a complaint ought to be filed, complete the AI Form 1, following all the required steps, and submit it with relevant documents/evidence to your Department head. If you do not have a department head, submit it directly to your Associate Dean of Undergraduate Studies or the Associate Dean of the Faculty of Graduate Studies.

Further information on academic misconduct from the University Secretariat.

You are encouraged to contact the University Secretariat directly for information about the University’s bylaws and policies. Bylaws, policies, and procedures often overlap and need to be read together to avoid missing certain requirements or delays. We can often save you time, help you avoid bottlenecks, and mitigate procedural irregularity issues if you check in with us early in the process or for bylaw or other procedural advice.

Likewise, please contact the University Secretariat directly for information on the program/course change approval process. Advice early on in the process can help reduce frustrations and mitigate delays later on.

The University Secretariat strongly encourages you to familiarize yourself with the following policies and bylaws:

  • Bylaw 31: Academic Integrity
  • Bylaw 54: Undergraduate Academic Evaluation Procedures
  • Bylaw 55: Graduate Academic Evaluation Procedures
  • Academic Accommodation for Students with Disabilities
  • Conduct of Exams and Tests
  • Conflict of Interest or Commitment
  • Grading and Calculation of Averages 
  • Graduate Studies Policy on Plagiarism
  • Medical Notes from Regulated Health Care Professionals
  • Plagiarism-Detection Software
  • Student Code of Conduct
  • Student Evaluations of Teaching (SET) and Mandatory Administration of SET

Further information:

The University Secretariat is located on the second floor of Assumption Hall. For further information, consult the University Secretariat website.


Direct links:

Note: This site is a living document, the goal of which is to improve, in some small way, the working lives of University of Windsor faculty. We are eager to collaborate with the campus community to better this service over time. If you can identify any knowledge gaps, missing resources, or outdated or erroneous information on this site, please contact Iva Gentcheva, Director, Office of the Provost and Faculty Recruitment, without hesitation.