Photo of the University Computer Centre, UWindsor Campus

Grade Submission, Appeal & Approval

After final examinations, faculty are required to submit all unofficial grades to their Dean for approval. The University uses UWinsite Student to facilitate these submissions. In most faculties, Department Heads are required to approve grades before they reach the Dean, who will give final approval.

After approval from the Dean, grades are finalized and uploaded to the Office of the Registrar system.

The University's academic evaluation procedures are outlined in Senate Bylaw 54 and 55. Specifically, Senate Bylaw 54 and 55 2.12 communicates regulations related to the submission of unofficial final grades.

In all faculties except Law, unofficial final grades for a course are due in the Dean's office no later than seven calendar days following its final examination. If a course does not have a formal final examination, grades are due no later than seven calendar days after the close of the examination period.

In December, some final examinations will be scheduled within the final seven calendar days before the University closes for December recess (the holiday break). In these cases, instructors are required to submit final grades by the University's second working day following the recess (i.e. the day after the University reopens for business in January).

The last date for students to appeal a grade is listed in the Registrar’s Important Dates page three weeks following the date grades are deemed official. Information regarding informal and formal appeal processes can be found in Senate Bylaw 54 and 55.

Further reading:

  • An Entering Grades reference sheet is available. It outlines the three methods for inputting grades for final approval.
  • Undergraduate grade appeals for administrative reasons (incorrect evaluation or procedural irregularity) or medical/compassionate reasons (health, bereavement or extenuating circumstances) are completed through UWinsite Student.
  • Graduate requests for consideration (for health, bereavement or extenuating circumstances) use this form.
  • Additional resources related to grades and UWinsite Student are available under Faculty Resources on Your UWin ID and Password are required to access.

Note: This site is a living document, the goal of which is to improve, in some small way, the working lives of University of Windsor faculty. We are eager to collaborate with the campus community to better this service over time. If you can identify any knowledge gaps, missing resources, or outdated or erroneous information on this site, please contact Iva Gentcheva, Director, Office of the Provost and Faculty Recruitment, without hesitation.