Photo of the University Computer Centre, UWindsor Campus


Brightspace is the University of Windsor’s campus-wide online learning management system (LMS). It replaced Blackboard in this role in January 2023.

Frequently Asked Questions about Brightspace

If you are having an issue with Brightspace, contact the Service Desk at Extension 4440 or log into IT Services' TeamDynamix ticketing system to complete a service request. If your situation requires further intervention, your service request will be directed to the party who can best serve you. 

The webpage contains resources for faculty, staff, students, and GAs and TAs. You can find a list of the various supports and resources specifically for instructors at

Instructors can request consultations for course redesign options for upcoming semesters by emailing

Course sites are automatically created once you and your course are listed together in the Student Information System (SIS). If you are having difficulties, check with your departmental support staff to ensure your course has been entered correctly into the SIS. Then, if you need to escalate the problem, complete a service request at

Registered students will automatically be added and updated within your course. Other users, such as departmental support or GAs and TAs, can be added manually. Check the Instructor How to Documentation for step-by-step instructions.

Absolutely. Training options include:


Specific faculty workshops and open workshops are offered. Workshops may be offered online or in person.

Two levels of workshops are available to address varying levels of familiarity with technology:

Step-by-Step: A relaxed and slower-paced workshop that emphasizes step-by step learning.

Quick Steps: A comparatively faster-paced workshop. Instruction is still provided in easy-to-follow steps but is meant for those who are generally very comfortable learning and adopting new technology.

Further details and registration are available on the CTL's Synchronous Brightspace Workshops webpage.

Drop-in Support

If you have a specific question or need help learning one aspect of a tool in Brightspace, drop into the Brightspace Drop-in, either online at, or in person at 700 California Avenue, room 2263. Someone will answer your question and/or walk you through what you need to know. Current hours can be found on the Instructor Resources webpage.

One-on-One Training

If you need a bit longer time with personalized help, you can request individualized training through

Workshop Recordings

If you cannot attend a live workshop, view a recording of a past workshop. The workshops handouts are also available on the webpage.

There is an extensive online support system available from the D2L Brightspace Community.

Visit to find out more about why Brightspace was chosen and access online self-help documents and videos, FAQs, governance details, and more.

Note: This site is a living document, the goal of which is to improve, in some small way, the working lives of University of Windsor faculty. We are eager to collaborate with the campus community to better this service over time. If you can identify any knowledge gaps, missing resources, or outdated or erroneous information on this site, please contact Iva Gentcheva, Director, Office of the Provost and Faculty Recruitment, without hesitation.