Welcome Centre exterior at dusk

Student Counselling Centre

The Student Counselling Centre (SCC) is a team of clinical staff who provide short-term psychotherapy and crisis intervention services to the University’s student population. The SCC also provides consultation to staff, faculty, and students who may be concerned about a student struggling with mental health issues.

I think a student could benefit from speaking with a mental health professional. How can I make a referral to the SCC?

In most cases, your first effort should be to give the student the SCC’s phone number, website URL, and location. Remind him or her that its services are free and confidential.

In some cases, it is useful and necessary to help a student more directly by making an appointment for him or her. If you believe a student would benefit from making an appointment, consider offering him or her the use of your phone. Alternatively, it might be prudent to call the SCC yourself while the student is in your office or otherwise in your presence.

If a student is unfamiliar with the campus and/or nervous about meeting a counsellor for the first time, consider walking him or her over to the SCC.

I am concerned about a student who appears to be in distress and/or is displaying worrisome behaviour, but I don’t know exactly what they need or the right place to send them. Whom should I contact?

Contact the Assessment and Care Team (ACT) by filling out a Care Alert Form, or contact Dr. Danieli Arbex at Extension 5072 or arbexd@uwindsor.ca.

The ACT is a multidisciplinary team of individuals within the campus community who are trained in threat assessment and behavioural intervention strategies. The ACT is born of the Behaviour Intervention Plan (BIP). Approved by the Board of Governors in 2014, the plan is designed to assist faculty and staff in responding to behaviours of concern in order to promote student wellbeing and contribute to a safe campus environment.

The BIP provides a centralized and systematic way for members of the campus community to raise concerns about a Student and outlines the steps that would be taken to assist any student who may be in distress and in need of assistance.

Are there any supports available outside of regular business hours and/or off-campus?

The SCC recommends the following services:

  • Good2Talk 24-hour student helpline: 1-866-925-5454

    Good2Talk is a free, confidential helpline providing professional counselling and information and referrals for mental health, addictions and well-being to post-secondary students in Ontario, 24/7/365.

  • Community Crisis Centre 24-hour crisis telephone line: (519) 973-4435

  • Community Crisis Centre walk-in service

    First floor, Jeanne Mance Building (1030 Ouellette Ave.): 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday to Friday

  • 24-hour walk-in service at Windsor Regional Hospital

    Ouellette Campus Emergency Department (1030 Ouellette Avenue)

Whom do I contact in the event of an emergency situation?

If you feel a student is 1) an imminent risk to harm themselves or someone else, or 2) unable to care for themselves in terms of basic life activities:

  • Contact Campus Police Services if student is on campus (Extension 4444).
  • Contact Windsor Police if student is off-campus (911).

The Student Counselling Centre is located in Room 293 on the second floor of the CAW Student Centre.

You can reach the centre directly at Extension 4616 or via the SCC website.

For more information about the ACT, BIP, and Care Alert Form, consult the Student Affairs Students Care and Support FAQs.

Note: This site is a living document, the goal of which is to improve, in some small way, the working lives of University of Windsor faculty. We are eager to collaborate with the campus community to better this service over time. If you can identify any knowledge gaps, missing resources, or outdated or erroneous information on this site, please contact Iva Gentcheva, Director, Office of the Provost and Faculty Recruitment, without hesitation.