Asbestos Inventory and Information

The University of Windsor is committed to providing a safe and healthy work and study environment to its employees, students, contractors and visitors.

The presence of asbestos in a building does not constitute a hazard or unacceptable risk to health. Asbestos fibres are a concern when they become airborne as a result of uncontrolled disturbance or deterioration. Asbestos-containing materials that are in good condition, undisturbed and well managed will not release asbestos fibres into the air.

The following links are attached for your reference:

Building Surveys and Inventories

Under the Ontario Regulation 278/05 Designated Substance - Asbestos on Construction Projects and in Buildings and Repair Operations, November 1, 2005 we are required to have a management program which includes regular inspections, training and informing building occupants and workers (construction & maintenance) about the potential hazards in the building.

An asbestos survey and inventory has been prepared for each University building (see link below). The inventory is the result of a survey of campus buildings conducted by Pinchin Environmental. The online inventory lists friable and non-friable asbestos-containing materials and identifies those materials that are confirmed or suspected to contain asbestos.  

The asbestos inventory will be kept up to date by yearly inspections which will include the areas where asbestos has been removed.

General Precautions for Asbestos

Be aware of materials in your workplace that may contain asbestos.  Consult the Asbestos Inventory for your building.

Do not damage, disturb or remove asbestos-containing materials.

Promptly report damaged asbestos-containing material (ie, pipe insulation, ceiling tiles) to your supervisor to have it properly inspected and repaired.

Do not dust, sweep or vacuum any debris that may contain asbestos. This must only be carried out by properly trained staff. Leave the area if the amount of damage is significant. Restrict access to others.

Should you have any questions or concerns, please contact your supervisor, Facility Services or Health & Safety.

Online Asbestos Inventory

Access to the online Asbestos Inventory site is restricted through a portal using the UWIN ID and Domino Password.

HMIS 2.0 Manual (PDF format) to find your way through the system.

Log on to the Asbestos Inventory System.