Grade Appeals

If unsatisfied with a final grade assigned in a course, students may file a grade appeal to have their grade reassessed. Formal appeal of a final grade may be done on the basis of either Incorrect Evaluation or Procedural Irregularity. Appeal forms are located in the Registrar’s Office. A fee of $20.00 is applied but refunded if the appeal is successful. 

When to Apply
An appeal request must be received in the Registrar’s Office no later than three weeks after the final mark has been released by the Registrar.

How to Apply
Hand deliver or mail the following to the Registrar’s Office:

  • completed appeal form (available at Registrar’s Office)
  • comprehensive letter of rationale
  • name
  • student number
  • address, including postal code
  • phone number
  • course name and number for which grade is being appealed
  • supporting documents attached to letter
  • $20 fee

The Registrar’s Office will direct the appeal to the appropriate Faculty.

What Happens Next
The appeal will usually be vetted by your course professor and at least one other faculty member. The final decision is reviewed by both the Head of Department and the Associate Dean of Engineering. Please refer to Senate Bylaw 51. Appeals generally take at least three weeks to process and may take up to six weeks depending on the circumstances. After four weeks, you may contact the Faculty of Engineering office for information regarding the status of your appeal. Results of a Grade Appeal are mailed to the student by the Registrar’s Office. 


First Year handbook WINONE
First-Year Handbook 


Office for First Year Engineering
Faculty of Engineering, University of Windsor
Room 1160, Ed Lumley Centre for Engineering Innovation
519-253-3000, Ext. 2560