Have questions? We’ve got answers! Whether you’re considering enrolling, currently participating, or have completed the program, our FAQ section is here to help. Explore common questions about registration, program expectations, support resources, and what comes next after completion. If you can’t find what you’re looking for, feel free to reach out—we’re happy to assist!
Jump to a section to find the information you need:
Admission and Registration Information:
Upon successful completion of the IEC program you will be qualified to apply to IB for a Certificate in Teaching and Learning.
As an IB educator certificate holder, you receive the following benefits:
- A valued credential: the IB certificate in teaching and learning confirm to prospective employers in the international education community that you have a deep understanding of IB programmes
- A competitive advantage: you are more desirable to prospective employers because hiring teachers with this credential saves them thousands of dollars on mandatory introductory IB training of new staff
- Access to the rich resources of the IB community: if you register for an IB educator certificate, you’ll receive access to the Online Curriculum Centre (OCC) that contains the latest developments in the IB programmes and online resources. The OCC also connects you to a community of IB practitioners around the world
- A one-year subscription to IB World: the IB’s official magazine, published twice a year, will keep you informed of news and stories happening within the ever widening IB community
- Opportunities for collaborating with IB educators at regional conferences and other events
- Exemption for Category 1 workshops
Students must meet the following requirements:
1) Bachelor’s degree, AND one of the following:
2A) Have completed or are currently completing a recognized teaching qualification from any jurisdiction in the world. OR
2B) A minimum of three years of teaching experience, confirmed by a letter(s) from your employer(s). Teaching must be in the Kindergarten to Grade 10 classroom.
All courses are online. Students will take 5 classes:
Primary Years and Middle Years
- 000- Curriculum Processes - $700.00
001- Teaching and Learning - $700.00
- 002- Assessment and Evaluation - $700.00
- 003- Professional Learning - $700.00
- 005- Professional Learning Community - $700.00
The total cost of the programme is $3,500.00 (Canadian Funds) for individuals enrolled for Primary Years or Middle Years. You do not need to pay for all courses up-front. Payment is due upon registration per course.
Diploma Program
- 000- Curriculum Processes - $775.00
- 001- Teaching and Learning - $775.00
- 002- Assessment and Evaluation - $775.00
- 003- Professional Learning - $700.00
- 005- Professional Learning Community - $700.00
The total cost of the programme is $3,725.00 (Canadian Funds) for individuals enrolled for Diploma Program. You do not need to pay for all courses up-front. Payment is due upon registration per course.
If you intend to study in the DP programme, you must choose from the following specializations:
- Studies in Language and Literature
- Language Acquisition
- Individuals and Society
- Sciences
- Mathematics
- The Arts
Your teaching experience should have been gained in the corresponding IB age domain and subject area. You should have at least 10 half credits in the specialization you wish to choose.
To be admitted to the program in the Diploma Programme (DP) stream, we require a copy of your undergraduate transcripts confirming 10 half credits in your chosen specialization.
Diploma Programme Requirements.
The following sequence of courses should followed:
- 000 Curriculum Processes
- 001 Teaching and Learning
- 002 Assessment and Evaluation
- 003 Professional Learning
- 005 Professional Learning Community (PLC)
IEC 000 or IEC 001 serves as a prerequisite before taking IEC 002, IEC 003 and IEC 005.
Students may take IEC 002 or IEC 003 only if they have already completed one of the prerequisite courses (IEC 001 or IEC 000).
We aim to offer all courses during each of our 3 semesters. For available courses, please see the current semester's schedule here: International Educator Certificate for IB Qualification
Course Sequencing Options:
The IEC for IB program is designed to be flexible for student teachers as well as experienced educators.
Below are two sample paths students may wish to take. This list is by no means exhaustive.
We are happy to work with students to develop a study plan that best fits their needs.
Traditional Path
Semester 1 – IEC 000, IEC 001
Semester 2 – IEC 002, IEC 003, IEC 005
Alternative Path
Semester 1 - IEC 001
Semester 2 - IEC 000
Semester 3 - IEC 002
Semester 4 - IEC 003
Semester 5 - IEC 005
After examining your qualifications, we will work with the prospective student to choose the correct stream: Primary Years, Middle Years, or Diploma Programme.
Diploma Programme students will have to demonstrate competency (a minimum of 10 half credits in the subject area, as determined by the Program Coordinator) in one of the following areas:
- Studies in language and literature
- Language acquisition
- Individuals and societies
- Mathematics
- Sciences
- The Arts
Yes, the IB certificate in teaching and learning is programme specific. We have designed our program so that you will focus your studies on only one of the IB’s three programmes:
- Primary Years Programme (PYP)
- Middle Years Programme (MYP)
- Diploma Programme (DP)
You will need to either create a student account or login to your existing account on our registration page.
Once you have access to your account you will see “my applications” on the menu items shown on the left side of the screen
- Select available applications.
- Complete the International Educator Certificate for IB Qualification Programme application.
- Make sure you upload files to the application form otherwise they will not be included with your application. (Choose file/Upload/Save).
- Your files will be shown if you successfully uploaded documents.
- Save and submit.
- Make sure that all documents submitted are in English or have been translated to English. All translations must be done by a Service.
The admissions team will review your application and respond as soon as possible. It can take two weeks or more for a response regarding eligibility due to the volume of applications received.
Please ensure you upload your admission documentation. If you are having difficulty, submit the online application and email your documents to ib@uwindsor.ca.
- The maximum allowed file size for uploads is 10240 KB.
- The file extensions allowed for uploads are: doc, docx, gif, jpg, mpg, pdf.
- File uploads may not be supported on mobile devices. Use a supported device to complete a file upload.
- If your file name is written in a language other than English our system may not allow the upload. If your file name is written in Chinese for example, our system may give issues with upload.
- If you have symbols in the file name of the documents you are uploading, our system may not upload.
- Create a continuing education student account at our registration site.
- Registration site - https://register.continue.uwindsor.ca/ (Login/student login/create new account)
- Our system will email you a temporary username and prompt you for a password.
- If you already have a temporary account you can login to the registration site using your temporary credentials.
- If you already have an account and have been assigned a UWinID, login to the registration site using your UWinID credentials.
- Access your continuing education student account via the registration site.
- Add course(s) to cart. For your first semester students can enroll in a maximum of two courses. These courses are Curriculum Process and Teaching and Learning.
- If you are having a hard time pulling up the section details, select the + sign listed for the semester that is open.
- Checkout by paying for course using your credit card. Options are Visa Master Card, Discover, American Express, DinaCard, BCcard.
- Once you pay for a course our system will prompt you to initialize a UWinID for a permanent account.
- Shortly after your enrollment has been received, the University of Windsor’s Faculty of Education will review your enrollment.
- Once we have the opportunity to review your enrollment or match the enrollment to an existing application on file, we will send you an email regarding eligibility.
- The approval email will have instructions for course set up and is customized specifically to you. The emails are manually generated. We appreciate your patience will we review your enrollment. All details will be provided to you as soon as we can.
If you need assistance with the enrollment process, please email the Faculty of Education directly at ib@uwindsor.ca.
During the Program
When you begin our programme of study, the Faculty of Education will provide notification to the International Baccalaureate Organization (IBO) that you have enrolled. IBO will then reach out to students with instructions on how to get set up for a MY IB account and with access to important IB Resources.
Online courses are divided into modules with specific due dates. A course outline will be provided that lists due dates for course assignments and for discussion posts. ALL IB online courses are 10 weeks. Candidates should expect to spend at least 3-5 hours a week working on such things as posting, reading and interacting in Discussions.
The Faculty of Education uses Blackboard Learn for IB courses, where you’ll find key features:
- Content: Access course modules and materials, including assignments and "Put into Practice" activities.
- Discussions: Participate in class forums to engage with peers and instructors.
- Grade Centre: Track your grades and see feedback based on the course rubric.
- Submit Assignments: Ensure all assignments and postings are completed to avoid penalties.
- Grades: View your grades online. Once submitted, your completion will be recommended to the Ontario College of Teachers, and it should appear on your Certificate of Qualification within 4-6 weeks.
- Course Evaluation: At the end of the course, you’ll be asked to evaluate your instructor.
All drop requests must be received by the deadline date for the semester.
- Login to registration site using your UWinID and password.
- There is a menu on the left.
- Select My enrollment History option
- There is a request drop button. Select the button.
- Select on-screen prompt regarding reason for dropping course.
- Select submit.
- The drop request notification will be submitted to the Faculty of Education. Once the notification has been received, the drop will be processed.
- There is a $50.00 drop fee if you drop after the course start date.
If you request a drop after the semester drop deadline, you are not eligible for a refund.
All refunds will be processed to the credit card that the payment was made. If this card is no longer valid, contact IB@uwindsor.ca.
A student who receives an "Incomplete" will be expected to submit all required assignments as per discussion with the Instructor within four weeks after the last class session, at which time, if the student still did not meet all the requirements, a final grade of FINC will be entered in the student’s record, except in exceptional circumstances in which case the Continuing Teacher Education Program Coordinator shall specify a period of time greater than four weeks. This grade will be listed on any academic generated. Full tuition fees will apply for any courses that are repeated.
Informal Review
Where a student wishes to review a grade awarded for assigned work at any time during the term the course is being taught, and up to the time recommendations are officially submitted to the College of Teachers, an informal inquiry can be made to the Instructor responsible for the course. Assigned work includes tests, seminars, oral presentations, final projects and all other academic exercises that will be used in calculating a grade.
The purpose of the inquiry is to review the work submitted and to allow for any reconsideration of the grade status if it is in question. This must be done within the time limit as established by the Instructor, but not later than ten working days after the release or publication of the status. This review does not preclude the student from appealing in a formal manner.
Formal Grade Appeal
When a student believes their evaluation in the course does not accurately represent their accomplishments because of incorrect evaluation of work or because of procedural irregularity, the following procedure shall be made available.
- The student may formally appeal through the Faculty of Education at a fee of $35.00.
- The appeal will be referred to the Faculty of Education who will be required to instruct the Instructor responsible for assigning that grade to review all assigned work for the purposes of re-evaluation.
- The Associate Dean or the Continuing Teacher Education Program Coordinator shall inform the student of the result of the appeal. The student will be informed of the outcome, with reasons (if reasons for the appeal were submitted) in writing and if successful, the $35.00 fee will be refunded.
A student who wishes to receive consideration on matters affecting or shown to affect their academic performance, such as, serious health circumstances or bereavement based on medical or compassionate grounds, or unanticipated extenuating circumstances beyond the control of the student (e.g., jury duty, caring for an ill family member, labour disputes, etc.), should communicate with the Instructor as soon as possible, or at the time when a student's performance is evaluated for the purpose of assigning a grade, taking into account the severity of the illness, bereavement, or other extenuating circumstance. The instructor may choose to handle the matter informally.
In this particular case, too, a student may wish to communicate with the Continuing Teacher Education Program Coordinator as soon as possible, or at the time when a student's performance is evaluated for the purpose of assigning a grade, taking into account the severity of the illness, bereavement, or other extenuating circumstance. A letter of rationale, requesting alternate evaluation or accommodation, and supporting documents (e.g. the attending physician's letter, the call to jury duty) must be submitted. If the Continuing Teacher Education Program Coordinator finds the grounds sufficient, the student's request will be forwarded to the Instructor who shall provide an alternate evaluation or accommodation.
After the Program
No, in order to receive the IB Certificate in Teaching and Learning students must register for the certificate.
When you finish our programme of study, the Faculty of Education will notify IBO that you have completed the programme. IBO will then send instructions to graduating students to register for the Certificate in Teaching and Learning and pay the registration fee. IBO will charge a registration fee of $295.00 USD. This fee is collected directly by IBO.
The Faculty of Education will provide students with more details as you near completion of our program.
Tax receipts will be available by the end of February for those students who took an AQ course in Winter, Spring, Summer or Fall semesters. Students will receive an email indicating that the tax receipts are ready. Tax receipts are accessible by logging into your continuing education student account.
To access your continuing education student account you would do so using your UWinID and password at the continuing education course registration site. If you do not remember your UWinID please email the Faculty of Education directly at IB@uwindsor.ca.
Registration site - https://register.continue.uwindsor.ca/ (Login/student login/UWinID option)
Have a question?
Have a question about our AQ Courses for Teachers? Please visit our FAQ page, email us at IB@uwindsor.ca, or book an online appointment with one of our team members.