Philosophy professor Catherine Hundleby will deliver her lecture “We should be able to argue well” Friday as practice for a weekend TEDx talk.
Philosophy professor Catherine Hundleby will deliver her lecture “We should be able to argue well” Friday as practice for a weekend TEDx talk.
The University of Windsor Alumni Association will honour outstanding grads at its AGM and awards presentation Thursday, November 15.
The University of Windsor Alumni Association will honour two outstanding educators at its AGM and awards presentation Thursday, November 15.
The University of Windsor officially opened its Psychological Services and Research Centre on Thursday.
Students studying to become the next generation of psychologists will now have a facility that measures up to the quality of the program.
The Psychological Services and Research Centre’s House on Sunset recently played host to UWindsor president Alan Wildeman.
You may pass the House on Sunset on your route to and from campus, and never know about the intensive training of future therapists that’s taking place there.
“We’re quite a good training centre,” says director Antonio Pascual-Leone. “Our main mandate is to train clinicians, or future psychologists, and we are actually one of the best in North America.”
The Psychological Services and Research Centre—better known as the House on Sunset—takes referrals for child clinical assessments.