Public Affairs and Communications

Ads proclaim pride in national champion Lancer teams

The University of Windsor congratulated its Canadian Interuniversity Sport champions in a high-profile way this weekend, taking out advertisements in the Windsor Star and Globe and Mail newspapers to declare “You make us proud!”

Under the headline “Sweet repeat: the UWindsor gold standard,” the ads noted fourth-straight national title for the Lancer women’s track and field team and the second consecutive Bronze Baby win in women’s basketball.

Video a declaration of Lancer pride

Pride for the University of Windsor is alive and well both on campus and with our 100,000 alumni, says George Kalivas.

That’s why the social media coordinator in the Office of Public Affairs and Communications put together a video featuring some students and alumni declaring their UWindsor affiliation, loud and proud.

“We wanted to show all aspects of being a Lancer,” says Kalivas. “It’s not just for varsity athletes. Whether you’re a first-year drama student or the mayor of Windsor, you can be proud of your alma mater.”

Web site traces University’s involvement in local community

From concerts and stage productions that enhance its culture to business and engineering innovations that drive its economy, the University of Windsor plays a central role in the Windsor-Essex region.

Now a new Web site aims to document those ties to the community, says John Powell, director of web communications in the office of public affairs.

“We know that people right across campus are engaging the community in all sorts of ways,” he says. “This page is a centralized place that lists, on a daily basis, some of those stories.”

Open house gives high schoolers a taste of the UWindsor experience

It takes hundreds of people from across campus to pull off an event as big as Friday's Fall Open House, said Dave Bussière, assistant provost for admissions and recruiting, but it was worth it.

“We had a great day,” he said as his staff wound day from the event, which brought about 2,000 visitors to the University for tours, academic presentations, and information on programs and admissions.

“We have been so busy – the sessions were full to capacity. We have been getting wonderful feedback.”

Day to celebrate the kindness of strangers – and friends

Where’s Winston? You won’t have to wonder today, as the Lancer mascot will post regular updates of his whereabouts on the University’s Facebook and Twitter feeds.

He has signed up to join the Kindness Krew as it journeys around campus to perform random acts of kindness for students, faculty, staff and visitors. If you spot Winston, be sure to ask him for a favour!

Student videographer wins iPad2 in UWindsor contest

First-year arts and sciences student Milos Savic took top honours in the video contest sponsored by the Office of Public Affairs and Communications to demonstrate Lancer pride.

Savic’s entry played on the theme “The most interesting university in the world,” spoofing a popular series of beer commercials. It earned 773 “likes” on Facebook, winning him an iPad2.

Second-place winner Shawn Lippert will receive a $100 gift certificate to the University Bookstore, and third-place finisher Flora Wong will receive a $50 University Bookstore gift certificate.

Marketing campaign encourages prospective students to Think UWindsor

A marketing campaign rolling out this month depicts the decision process students undertake when choosing a university, and reassures them that they won’t get lost in the crowd at the University of Windsor.

The campaign ranges across a number of media in southwestern Ontario markets, says Holly Ward, executive director of Public Affairs and Communications. Print advertising includes daily and community newspapers, placards in public transit and posters in shopping malls. Commercials will run before movies in cinemas and on radio stations.