Video a declaration of Lancer pride

Pride for the University of Windsor is alive and well both on campus and with our 100,000 alumni, says George Kalivas.

That’s why the social media coordinator in the Office of Public Affairs and Communications put together a video featuring some students and alumni declaring their UWindsor affiliation, loud and proud.

“We wanted to show all aspects of being a Lancer,” says Kalivas. “It’s not just for varsity athletes. Whether you’re a first-year drama student or the mayor of Windsor, you can be proud of your alma mater.”

One of his subjects, Ishika Towfic, agrees. The fourth-year mechanical engineering student volunteered to participate in the project, saying she considers herself a Lancer, too.

“Our capstone design team is named the Lancers,” she said. “We’ll be wearing our school colours in the SAE Aero competition this April.”

Kalivas says he was very pleased with the reaction as he approached prominent alumni to participate.

“Everybody was so excited to do it,” he says. “It really comes across in the video. The secret is I didn’t tell people how to say their piece – it’s very genuine.”

Watch the video, entitled “I’m a Lancer.”