Monica Sanborn plays pregnant teenager Melissa Anderson in “On Girls,” showing October 30 at the Windsor International Film Festival.
Monica Sanborn plays pregnant teenager Melissa Anderson in “On Girls,” showing October 30 at the Windsor International Film Festival.
A reception in the Welcome Centre on Monday, September 18, is the first event in a series marking Humanities Week.
The project 130-Year Road Trip is an interactive documentary combining film, performance and live music.
UWindsor’s Faculty of Law has recently created a website designed to equip students with the essential people skills needed for working in poverty law.
A workshop Thursday will discuss balancing art and business.
Honoured at the Windsor Endowment for the Arts awards were Alana Bartol, Brent Lee, Amelia Daigle, Kim Nelson and Iain Baxter&.
Humanities fellow Kim Nelson will deliver a free public lecture Wednesday entitled “Something Happened: Documenting the Past in Sound and Image.”
Today is an especially rewarding one for Kim and Rob Nelson.
Besides taking home a pair of awards at today’s annual Celebration of Excellence in Research, Scholarship and Creative Activity, the two professors are celebrating their 14th wedding anniversary.
A new film that focuses on a pioneer of the women’s movement in Windsor is much more than a lesson in feminism, according to its co-director.
“It’s a lesson in the history of the city, and a lesson about how you can live your life really caring about other people, and have an incredibly fulfilling life,” Kim Nelson says of This is What a Feminist Sounds Like.
Editor’s note: This is one in a series of articles about students who were involved in cool research, scholarly and creative activities during their summer break from classes.
Some people who travel through the Canadian prairies may describe their spaces as mundane, but to a young camera man with a vivid imagination and a desire for visual stimulation, the wide open west provides a bounty of opportunity.