New report shows that Ontario university graduates have the best labour market outcomes and highest incomes of any educational attainment group.
New report shows that Ontario university graduates have the best labour market outcomes and highest incomes of any educational attainment group.
The newly-established Faculty of Engineering awards program recognizes the contributions of its faculty and staff.
A researchers’ study on how societal connections influence people’s health.
Brain cancer researchers will join the Windsor Spring Sprint walk, to help raise funds for the Brain Tumour Foundation of Canada, and to share their work progress with the public.
The annual 25 Years of Service luncheon will honour 30 employees who, in 2014, reached their 25 Years of Service milestone.
Students of the Master of Applied Computing program are available to serve as resourceful interns for community and campus employers starting in July.
Employee donors to the University are invited to a reception today acknowledging their support.
UWindsor announced an $850,000 gift from TD Bank Group to enhance urban green space as part of the university’s downtown campus project.
Tropical fruit lovers are invited to Siyaram Pandey’s annual mango party
UWindsor announced an $850,000 gift from TD Bank Group that will enhance urban green space as part of the university’s downtown campus project.