Employee donors to the University are invited to a reception today acknowledging their support.
The reception today is to honour staff, faculty and retiree donors to the 2014/15 Annual Giving Program, says organizer Mona Dosen, development officer.
“It is a chance to show appreciation for supporters of UWindsor fundraising efforts,” Dosen says.
“All of our faculty and staff members make contributions to the student experience every day. This event is in recognition of those who go beyond by donating to our scholarship funds, improvements to campus facilities and enriching the educational opportunities afforded to our students.”
Attendees will be entered in a draw to win a door prize of dedication rights to a commemorative bench on the UWindsor campus, and gift certificates from Food and Catering Services.
The one-hour reception begins at 3 p.m. Thursday, June 4, adjacent to the Stewart Moore Garden between Dillon and Leddy Library West.