University Teaching Certificate

The University Teaching Certificate (UTC) Program is designed to help academics, at all levels and in all disciplines, develop their teaching practice, with the goal of enhancing student learning. Both practical and theoretically-grounded, the UTC seeks to engage instructors in areas including course design, teaching practices, leadership, scholarship, and assessment, inspiring reflective, critical, evidence-based practice.

Participants will generally complete the program over one year, though some may choose to extend the program over two years. 

UTC Recommended Path

Program-Level Outcomes

  1. Apply multiple evidence-based teaching strategies appropriately in different contexts.
  2. Design effective learning outcomes, aligned with learning experiences and assessments.
  3. Find and evaluate scholarly information and use it to adapt practice.
  4. Identify the presuppositions and assumptions inherent in their teaching practices and beliefs, change them as needed, and justify, and use them to explicitly inform practice.
  5. Evaluate the effectiveness of their own teaching and adapt practice according to contextual variables, feedback, and actual outcomes.
  6. Create a learning centred-atmosphere (e.g. building rapport, attending to diversity and inclusivity, constructively managing conflict, etc.).
  7. Respond constructively to common issues in post-secondary teaching and learning.
  8. Design and use course structures, assessment tasks, and lessons that inspire and support deep learning.

Please contact the CTL for more information or see our Courses page for descriptions of our UTC course offerings. If you would like more information on registering for the University Teaching Certificate, please contact

If you are a graduate student, please visit the CTL’s Graduate Diploma in University.