Click on each topic below for a curated list of reading resources.
University of Windsor Provost’s Task Force on Experiential Education. (2017) Experiential Education: A Path Towards Improving the Student Experience
An overview of the recommendations and best practices for experiential learning at the University of Windsor.
Ontario Premier’s Highly Skilled Workforce Expert Panel. (2016). Building the Workforce of Tomorrow: A Shared Responsibility.
The Panel’s report presents 28 recommendations in six key themes and two other areas, including the recommendation that every student be guaranteed at least one EL opportunity during their post-secondary academic program.
Wilson, Mary & Mackie, Kyle. (n.d.) Learning by Doing: Experiential Education in Post-Secondary Education
A free online resource. A good introduction to the world of EE in post-secondary education.
Dewey, J. (1938). Experience and education. New York: Macmillan.
The book that is credited as starting the modern experiential learning movement. A short read at 40 pages.
A free pdf version is available at:
Kolb, D. A. (2015). Experiential learning: Experience as the source of learning and development. Upper Saddle River. New Jersey: Pearson Education.
An update of the influential [1984] experiential learning text by Kolb. “It builds on the intellectual origins of experiential learning as defined by figures such as John Dewey, Kurt Lewin, Jean Piaget, and L.S. Vygotsky, while also reflecting three full decades of research and practice since the classic first edition.” (Pearson Education) It includes descriptions of learning styles.
Available through Leddy Library, housed at Career Development and Experiential Learning Office.
UNESCO. (2010). Guidelines for Experiential Learning.
A very simplified one-pager that serves as a reminder or checklist when conducting experiential learning activities.
Hanrahan, T. (April 6, 2020). Faculty Focus: Higher Ed Teaching & Learning. Creating Experiential Learning Opportunities in Any Course
Using his own courses as examples, the author provides a Seven Sequence Process to include experiential learning in any course.
“Unless experiences outside the classroom are brought into the classroom and integrated with the goals and objectives of the discipline theory, students will continue to have amazing outside experiences but will not readily connect them to their in-class learning.... Without a careful curriculum involving structured, reflective skill building, students may never learn what we hope they will outside the four walls of the classroom.” (Qualters, 2010)
Qualters, D. M., & Wehlburg, C. (2010). Making the most of learning outside the classroom. In Experiential education: Making the most of learning outside the classroom. San Francisco, Calif: Jossey-Bass. 124, 95-99.
A very brief “how-to” for creating a reflective curriculum. Available online through Leddy Library.
University of Kansas. (n.d.). Reflection Models: What? So What? Now What? Model
A one page description of Rolfe et al.'s reflective model based on Terry Borton's 1970 developmental model. It is one of the easiest model's to learn and implement.
University of Cumbria. (2016). Gibbs’ reflective cycle.
A practical walk-through of the six stages of Gibbs’ popular model for reflection.
Skene, A. & Raffoul, J. (2017, February 24). Overcoming barriers to reflection. Presented at Educational Developers Caucus Annual Conference, Guelph, ON.
A handy list of barriers to effective reflection and possible solutions.
Ash, S. L. & Clayton, P.H. (2004). The articulated learning: An approach to guided reflection and assessment. Innovative Higher Education, 29(2), 137-154.
This frequently cited article “describes a reflection model that pushes students beyond superficial interpretations of complex issues and facilitates academic mastery, personal growth, civic engagement, critical thinking, and the meaningful demonstration of learning.”
Kaplan, M., Silver, N., & LaVaque-Manty, D. (2013). Using Reflection and Metacognition to Improve Student Learning: Across the Disciplines, Across the Academy. Herndon: Stylus Publishing
“Research has identified the importance of helping students develop the ability to monitor their own comprehension and to make their thinking processes explicit, and indeed demonstrates that metacognitive teaching strategies greatly improve student engagement with course material.
Recognizing that few teachers have a deep understanding of metacognition and how it functions, and still fewer have developed methods for integrating it into their curriculum, this book offers a hands-on, user-friendly guide for implementing metacognitive and reflective pedagogy in a range of disciplines.” (Stylus Publishing.)
Available at CTL library.
Moon, Jennifer A. (2004). A handbook of reflective and experiential learning theory and practice. New York: RoutledgeFalmer.
"This handbook acts as an essential guide to understanding and using reflective and experiential learning - whether it be for personal or professional development, or as a tool for learning. It takes a fresh look at experiential and reflective learning, locating them within an overall theoretical framework for learning and exploring the relationships between different approaches. As well as the theory, the book provides practical ideas for applying the models of learning, with tools, activities and photocopiable resources which can be incorporated directly into classroom practice. This book is essential reading to guide any teacher, lecturer or trainer wanting to improve teaching and learning." (Taylor & Francis Group)
Free to download at:
Seifer, S. & Connors, K. (2007). Faculty Toolkit for Service-Learning in Higher Education. Community-Campus Partnerships for Health.
Recommended by CTL, used widely
This toolkit is divided into 10 units designed to aid faculty in every step of planning, designing, and implementing service-learning programs into their curriculum and institutions as well as program evaluation and assessment.
Kendall, J. C. E., & National Society for Internships and Experiential Education, Raleigh, Nc. (1990). Combining Service and Learning. a Resource Book for Community and Public Service. Volume I. National Society for Internships and Experiential Education.
“for anyone who wants to start, strengthen, or support a program or course that combines community or public service with learning. The book covers policies, issues, and programs in colleges and universities, K-12 schools, community-based organizations, public agencies at all levels, youth agencies, and others. Most articles in volume I are targeted to educators. The volume contains 76 papers divided into five parts: (1) Essential Principles in Combining Service and Learning; (2) Rationales and Theories for Combining Service and Learning; (3) Public Policy Issues and Guides; (4) Institutional Policy Issues and Guides; and (5) History and Future of the Service-Learning Movement.” (NSIEE)
Available through Leddy Library, housed at Career Development and Experiential Learning offices .
Eyler, J., Giles, D. E., & Astin, A. W. (1999). Where’s the Learning in Service-Learning? San Francisco, Jossey-Bass.
The authors present extensive data from two ground breaking national research projects. Their studies include a large national survey focused on attitudes and perceptions of learning, intensive student interviews before and after the service semester, and additional comprehensive interviews to explore student views of the service-learning process. (Wiley)
Available at CTL library.
Sattler, P., and Peters, J. (2013). Work-Integrated Learning in Ontario’s Postsecondary Sector: The Experience of Ontario Graduates. Toronto: Higher Education Quality Council of Ontario.
The report on the findings of the Graduating Student Survey on Learning and Work. The study was designed to measure the impact of postsecondary students’ workplace and volunteer experiences – including their participation in WIL – on postsecondary learning outcomes and students’ overall satisfaction with their postsecondary education. The findings offer detailed insights into the motivations, barriers, challenges and benefits associated with WIL participation and provide a comprehensive snapshot of the delivery of WIL programs within Ontario colleges and universities.