Resources - image of nursing student



Effective reflection is a core component of a successful experiential learning experience.  The Centre for Teaching and Learning's Reflection webpage provides useful resources to ensure effective reflection.

Risk Management:

A Risk Management Guide is being developed to answer and help guide you through requirements and commonly asked questions to ensure safe EL activities and will be posted in the coming months.

Community Connections: 

University of Windsor is part of the Propel Initiative, encouraging businesses and non-profits to partner with universities to provide hands-on learning opportunities for students.


For more indepth reading from online or library resources, visit the EL Reading Resources List. For the Ministry of Colleges and Universities's criteria of EL, view its Guiding Principles.

CEWIL iHub Grant

Co-operative Education and Work-Integrated Learning (CEWIL) Canada has created an Innovation Hub (iHub) that provides grant-based funding to enable and promote curricular work-integrated learning experiences.  

We Can Help:

The Career Development and Experiential Learning department and the various contacts on the Campus Support page are available to help you with any of the many experiential learning practices you are considering for your course.  Please let us know how we can help.