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Risk Management

Risk Management

When educational experiences move out of the traditional classroom environment, risks, liability, and safety take on a new dimension. Students may be exposed to a wide variety of hazards, which may be as minor as uneven ground on a walk around campus resulting in a scraped knee (which may be minor or more severe) or as devastating as an industrial accident while on a placement.

The goal of risk management is to provide a safe educational experience for our students, minimize or manage risk, and maximize the benefits of the learning experience.

Different activities will require different approaches for risk management. The University of Windsor has abundant experience with various forms of experiential learning including those off-campus, and has a wealth of resources that can be used or adapted for your planned experience.

You are not alone. Take advantage of the expertise and resources available to you. Use the Guide to Risk Management (.doc file) to familiarize yourself with risk management in experiential learning and the resources and people available to help.