About Your Association

Who We Are

The Alumni Association, a non-profit organization, was formed in 1903 by our founding institution, Assumption College which traces its roots back to 1857. The mandate, now as then, is to provide an opportunity for its members to foster, by their own participation, those programs and undertakings which will contribute to their personal growth and overall development and to the development, prestige and advancement of the University of Windsor. Equally important is the fostering of social, cultural and business relationships among alumni and friends.

Mission Statement 

Through our service to the University of Windsor, we add value to the lives of alumni and students.

In partnership with others and with the active involvement of alumni and friends, we foster pride and the enhancement of the University’s reputation through communication, the celebration of success, and the development of lifelong relationships with graduates, past, present and future.


  • To foster students’ seamless entry into the UWindsor Alumni Association;
  • To communicate with alumni and friends;
  • To add significant value to the lives of students and alumni and to foster mutually beneficial support systems amongst alumni; and 
  • To build an alumni chapter organization in Canada and internationally.


Alumni Association Nomination Form (PDF)