The University’s many services for students are administered by several distinct offices on campus and accessible through multiple areas of the website.
Student Affairs’ Student Support website directs students to dozens of supportive services related to academics, career planning and development, experiential education, enrolment, health and wellness, successful living, orientation and transition, social and cultural factors, and further topics. It includes a comprehensive list of student support services at the University.
Campus Services provides a number of integrated services intended to enhance the campus experience of UWindsor students and create a vibrant university community. This area of the University encompasses the Bookstore; Food, Catering, and Conference Services; Parking; Student Health Services; the University Print Shop; and the UWinCARD Office.
The University’s Student Life portal directs students to information related to international student life, housing and dining on campus, recreation and fitness, and student organizations.
The University of Windsor Students’ Alliance (UWSA) is the full-time undergraduate student union and a member of the Canadian Federation of Students. The UWSA advocates for, represents, and serves the needs of students in myriad ways. Specifically, it administers health and dental plans, bus passes, and scholarships for undergraduate students, holds events on and off campus, and coordinates over 150 student groups.
The Office of Student Experience is the administrative office at the University charged with enriching the student experience at UWindsor by providing programs and services that advance student success, contribute to campus engagement, and promote a safe, caring, and inclusive environment.
We’ve compiled a categorized directory of the campus services to which you may wish to direct your students:
Service ![]() |
Description | Faculty Contact | Category![]() |
Aboriginal Education Centre CAW 179 |
Provides support to self-identified Aboriginal students with the aim of helping them reach their highest potential in a culturally supportive atmosphere. [Learn More] | Russell Nahdee Coordinator |
Social and Cultural Support |
Academic Data Centre Leddy Library 1104 |
Helps faculty, staff, and students at the University of Windsor access and use statistical and geospatial data. The Data Centre helps students, faculty, and staff use statistical/data software (including SPSS, Stata, SAS, R, ArcGIS, and NVivo), use and interpret statistical methods and procedures, create graphs and maps, and find sources of statistics and data. It also supports survey development and data management and works with faculty to help incorporate data into their classes. | Ext. 4722 |
Academic Support |
Academic Integrity Centre CAW Student Centre 117 |
Assists all members of the campus community, including students, with any academic integrity-related issue. Promotes honesty through awareness campaigns, educational workshops for students, information sessions for faculty, and one-on-one or small group meetings with students, faculty, and administration. | Ext. 5005 |
Academic Support |
Advising Team Dillon Hall 111 |
Provides academic advising related to course and program changes, assessment of academic progress, academic procedures, and the development of plans to deal with academic difficulties. [Learn More] | Marty Lowman Advisor |
Academic Support |
Alumni Association Joyce Welcome Centre |
Offers networking, job-seeking, and career-related support services, including a mentorship program. Administers several awards and scholarships for students and faculty. All UWindsor students automatically become lifetime members. | (519) 971-3618 |
Orientation and Transition |
The Bystander Initiative | Offers peer education in sexual violence prevention to all first-year students through a three-hour workshop. | Dr. Emily Rosser Ext. 2326 |
Health & Wellness |
Campus Bookstore CAW Student Centre, Lower Level |
Manages the ordering and sale of textbooks for university courses, technology products, campus clothing, and other products. | Tracy Huff Coordinator - Course Materials |
Academic Support |
Special Constable Service 2455 Wyandotte St. W. (Innovation Centre) |
Works in partnership with the University community to provide a safe and secure environment to all students, staff, faculty, and visitors; provides a 24-hour presence on our campus to respond to routine and emergency calls for service. [Learn More] | Mike MacKinnon Director Emergencies: Ext. 4444 |
Living Support and Safety |
Campus Lifeline Student Success Centre |
An online platform designed to help students navigate several areas of university life. Provides resources on a wide variety of academic, personal, and practical topics, including improving presentation skills, dealing with a breakup, coping with stress, getting involved on campus, and searching for a summer job. [Learn More] | Ext. 3470 |
Social and Cultural Support |
Campus Ministry Assumption Hall, Second Floor |
Serves all students, faculty, and staff of the University. Aims to build a welcome and open home through invitation and community, cultivate a training ground for Christian virtue through sacraments and spiritual growth, and promote the Christian renewal of culture through outreach and service. | Ext. 3369 |
Social and Cultural Support |
Campus (Lancer) Recreation | Organizes and administers a wide range of fitness and recreation services on campus, including a comprehensive intramural sport program, the St. Denis Centre pool, and the Forge Fitness Centre. | Ext. 456 |
Health and Wellness |
Campus Services | Encompasses several areas of the student experience at UWindsor, including the Bookstore, Food and Catering Services, Parking, Student Health, the University Print Shop, and the UWinCARD Office. | Cathie Janisse Co-ordinator |
General Services |
Canterbury College Student Housing 2500 University Ave. W. |
Owns ten houses that feature furnished single rooms for University of Windsor students who wish to live in a single-gender residence environment very close to campus. Especially appropriate for mature and international students. | Brenda Smith Residence Admissions Co-ordinator |
Living Support and Safety |
Career and Employment Services Joyce Entrepreneurship Centre 100 |
Offers a variety of programs, services, and resources that can enhance students' university experiences and contribute to their employment and career goals. [Learn More] | Kerri Zold Manager |
Career/Employment Support |
Cashiers' Office Chrysler Hall North, 1st Floor |
Processes tuition and incidental fees and liaises with third-party sponsors. | Extension 3307 |
Enrolment |
Centre for English Language Development 1880 Wyandotte St. W. |
Offers progressive 12-week English Language Improvement Programs – including subject-specific courses – at a variety of levels. Students who successfully complete the final level (ELIP 3) meet the University’s English proficiency requirements. Accredited by Languages Canada, the year-round program is taught by certified ESL instructors. | CELD Contacts | Academic Support |
Child Care Services 820 California Ave. |
The University has partnered with the non-profit organization Great Beginnings Child-Centred Co-operative to offer students, faculty, and staff flexible childcare choices adjacent to campus. Great Beginnings operates a pre-school program for children 16 months to 6 years old. Staffed by qualified Early Childhood Educators, the program involves teaching methods and play techniques to promote children’s physical, emotional, social, and intellectual growth. | (519) 253-5235 | Social and Cultural Support |
Co-Curricular Record | An official, University-recognized document that details a student’s extracurricular and/or extra-academic activities and the corresponding skills they have gained from these contributions to campus and community life. All information contained on the CCR is authenticated by an authorized Validator. Complements a resume and allows students to showcase their skill development and leadership experiences to potential employers and graduate schools. [Learn More] | | Academic Support |
Co-operative Education Services Lambton Tower 1101 |
Administers co-operative education programs that integrate academic study with work experience in appropriate fields of business, industry, government, social services, and the professions. [Learn More] | Kristen Morris Manager |
Career/Employment Support |
Community Legal Aid 443 Ouellette Ave., 2nd Floor |
Offers accessible, competent, and professional legal services to low-income and vulnerable people in the greater Windsor-Essex community. Services include summary legal advice, full legal representation, and community legal education. Aims to create the social and economic conditions to eradicate poverty and oppression. | (519) 253-7150 | Social and Cultural Support |
Computer Science Resource Centre Lambton Tower 8108 |
Provides computers and reference books for student use. Open to all students majoring in Computer Science. | Margaret Garabon Cookson Administrative Assistant |
Academic Support |
Dental Centre CAW Student Centre Basement |
A full-service dental centre located on the University of Windsor campus. Provides comprehensive dentistry services to UWindsor students and employees and members of the general public. | Ext. 7000 | Health and Wellness |
Earth & Environmental Sciences Resource Centre Memorial Hall 210 |
Open to all students enrolled in EES courses. Graduate students are made available during specific hours to assist students with their coursework. | See website | Academic Support |
Economics Help Centre G139 Chrysler Hall North |
Staffed by Graduate and Teaching Assistants who are available to help students understand course material and use MYECONLAB. Some Assistants are assigned to support students in specific courses, while others are available to support all students. Open to all students enrolled in any undergraduate economics course, including non-majors. | Janice Cahill Secretary to the Head |
Academic Support |
Entrepreneurship Practice and Innovation Centre (EPICentre) Joyce Entrepreneurship Centre, 2nd Floor (and elsewhere) |
Encourages entrepreneurship on campus and supports students and graduates interested in launching their own businesses. [Learn More] | Contact Information | Career/Employment Support |
Food Services Various locations Catering Services: Vanier Hall 12 |
Responsible for a wide variety of dining options on campus. Website contains hours, locations, and information about special dietary needs and requests. | Catering Services Contact Information | Living Support and Safety |
GATA Network Lambton Tower, 2nd Floor (CTL) |
Works with Graduate and Teaching Assistants across campus, introducing them to mentors and resources they will need to improve their pedagogical knowledge and skills. [Learn More] | Dr. Pierre Boulos Learning Specialist |
Academic Support |
Graduate Studies Chrysler Hall Tower, 3rd Floor |
Brings together a community of scholars and researchers committed to supporting graduate education and fostering student development. [Learn More] | List of Contacts | Academic Support |
Head Start | The University’s major orientation program for incoming undergraduate students. Participating students reflect on the importance of being an autonomous learner in a collaborative campus service environment. The program also familiarizes students with the physical campus and addresses school spirit and collective identity, financial planning, navigating the job market, and community involvement. | | Orientation and Transition |
Information Technology Services (Helpdesk) University Computer Centre |
Ensures that the University’s systems, applications, and processes are designed, implemented, and operated efficiently and effectively. Students may open a Support Request Ticket and access up-to-date Service Status information via the IT Services website. | Client portal and contact details | Academic Support |
International Student Centre (ISC) Laurier Hall, 2nd Floor |
Facilitates the well-being of students engaged in international experiences, providing continuous support to help them succeed. [Learn More] | Mike Houston Director |
Social and Cultural Support |
Lancer Varsity Athletics St. Denis Centre |
Represents the University in inter-university athletic competition via several varsity and club sports teams. Teams participate in Ontario University Athletics and U Sports competition. | ARS Staff Directory | Health and Wellness |
Law Career Services Law Building |
Helps Law students determine or refine their career objectives, navigate the various recruitment processes, prepare application packages, and research traditional and non-traditional opportunities. Offers individual career coaching programs and workshops, resume and cover letter clinics, peer mentors, job shadowing, and an extensive resource library. | Anna Maria DeCia-Gualteri Director |
Career/Employment Support |
Lead Student Success Centre, Dillon Hall 110 |
Grants students an opportunity to make a difference on campus, provide support to their peers, influence their surroundings, and gain valuable experience. Volunteers accepted into the program can choose from several opportunities for on-campus leadership. | Beth Oakley Director, Student Success Centre |
Orientation and Transition |
Leddy Library | As the main campus library at the University of Windsor, provides a wide range of resources and services for both students and faculty to support the teaching, learning, and research mission of the University; provides physical spaces to support these activities. | Librarians by Subject Area | Academic Support |
Math and Stats Learning Centre 3125 Erie |
Offers free assistance for all undergraduate students in first year Math and Statistics Courses. A large computer lab in which students can work on coursework, and receive help from dedicated graduate students. Presents students with an opportunity to interact and study with classmates and upper-year students who also drop-in to complete assignments. Course materials, including assignments, tests, and solutions may be available in the lab. | Justin Lariviere Director |
Academic Support |
Multi-Faith Space CAW Student Centre Basement |
Supports the diverse spiritual needs of all students, staff, and faculty within a context of pluralism. The space is purposefully absent of any religious iconography or symbols. Open 24/7. | Oversight Committee | Social and Cultural Support |
mySuccess Joyce Entrepreneurship Centre 100 |
The University’s online job-seeking tool for current students and recent alumni. Students can use mySuccess to view workshop dates and times, drop-in hours, and event schedules; access career-focused online resources; browse approved job postings; or book an individual appointment with a Career and Employment Services staff member. | CCES Contact Information | Career/Employment Support |
myUWindsor | In November 2018, myUWindsor was replaced by UWinsite Student. You can learn more about UWinsite Student at | IT Services and/or Registrar's Office | Enrolment |
New Student Orientation Student Success Centre South: Dillon Hall 117 |
The University offers comprehensive onboarding programming for new students, including the Head Start, Online Orientation, and Winter Orientation events. Specialized services for transfer and mature students are also available. | | Enrolment |
Nursing Lab Anthony P. Toldo Health Education Centre 210 |
A significant on-campus resource for Nursing students at UWindsor. Contains two health assessment labs, a ward unit practice lab, a computer centre equipped with 25 computers and a printer, and an extensive selection of health promotion materials, resources, and models. Students may make an appointment with the Nursing Lab & Education Coordinator, a lab staff member, or a peer mentor to review or practice specific skills. | Susan Dennison Lab and Education Coordinator |
Academic Support |
Odette Career Services Odette 203 |
Aims to build a student culture within Odette focused on career development and employability. Provides Odette students and recent graduates with access to opportunities to apply their skills in the workplace through career advising, on-site and on-line resources, and partnerships with the community and industry. | Phil Baluyot Career Advising Coordinator Lisa Fransen Career Advising Coordinator |
Career/Employment Support |
Odette Financial Markets Lab Odette 208 |
Hosts many finance class labs, Bloomberg certification courses, financial seminars, conferences, and other resources designed to enhance the learning experience and research capabilities of Odette School of Business students and faculty. Employs market simulations and live data feeds to enable students to bridge the gap between the theory they learn in the classroom and the practices of the real business world. | Lab Contacts | Academic Support |
Off-Campus Housing | Many private rooms and residences are available for rent in the immediate vicinity of campus. If you’re looking for off-campus accommodations, the UWSA recommends Places4Students as a starting point. | Places4Students | Living Support and Safety |
Office of Human Rights, Equity and Accessibility (OHREA) Chrysler Hall Tower 325 |
Oversees human rights inquiries and complaints, ombuds functions related to human rights, equity, and accessibility; government reporting; policy development; education; and any other matters requiring accountability in these areas at the University of Windsor. [Learn More] | Kaye Johnson Director |
Living Support and Safety |
Outstanding Scholars 324 Essex Hall |
Offers meaningful paid research opportunities to undergraduate students in every major on campus. Outstanding Scholars are high-achieving second, third, and fourth year undergraduate students who work closely with faculty on research and other important academic projects. Students are paid hourly for their work, within set parameters, very similarly to how TAs and GAs are compensated. Positions are awarded as single-semester terms. [Learn More] | Dr. Simon Du Toit Outstanding Scholars Coordinator |
Academic Support |
Parent and Family Support | Students have the best chance for success when they feel supported by both their institution and their families. Effective parents to university students maintain a balance between supporting their children and allowing them to achieve a sense of independence. UWindsor provides information to both parents and students to assist them with achieving this balance. | Contacts for Parents | Orientation and Transition |
Parking Services Joyce Entrepreneurship Centre, 1st Floor |
Parking at University of Windsor campus lots is strictly enforced every day between 7am and 11pm. Students have several options for parking on and near campus. The Parking Services website contains detailed information about the University’s parking options and regulations. [Learn More] | Campus Parking Services Office | Living Support and Safety |
Peer Support Centre CAW Student Centre 208 |
A drop-in centre for University of Windsor students. A safe and inclusive space where extensively trained peer support volunteers offer counselling to their fellow students. A UWSA initiative, in collaboration with the Student Counselling Centre. Also supported by Student and International Affairs. | John Antoniw Research Assistant |
Orientation and Transition |
Pharmacy CAW Student Centre B06 |
A full-service community-based pharmacy located in the CAW Student Centre. It provides comprehensive professional prescription services and a flu immunization clinic in the fall. |; (519) 971-3644 | Health and Wellness |
Pride Centre Dillon Hall 252 |
Promotes and provides a positive environment for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans, Queer, Questioning, Two-Spirited, Intersex, Pansexual, and Asexual individuals and their allies on the University of Windsor campus. Holds several events during the year, including many that coincide with national and international celebrations of queer identity. | Courtney Quinn Coordinator |
General Services |
Psychological Services and Research Centre 326 Sunset Ave. |
Provides confidential and free clinical services, including individual and group psychotherapy, to students at the University of Windsor. Staffed by graduate student trainees from the Psychology Department who are supervised by faculty and staff who are Registered Psychologists in Ontario. Accepts referrals for longer-term therapy from the Student Counselling Centre, which should be students’ primary point of contact for therapy. | Paulette Lafleur-Fleming Office Coordinator |
Health and Wellness |
Registrar Chrysler Hall N 1118 |
Responsible for admissions, academic scheduling, student transcripts, degree granting, and many aspects of formal approval of credits and programs by the Ministry. | List of Contacts | Enrolment |
Residence Services Vanier Hall 49 |
Campus is home to four distinct residence buildings, encompassing three styles of residence: traditional, semi-suite, and suite. These residence communities range from 150 to 350 students and feature many convenient amenities. | List of Contacts | Living Support |
Science Tutor (Biology) Biology Building 323 |
Dr. Poling advises and provides free tutoring services for University of Windsor Nursing and Biology students registered in specific courses. She is available during regular office hours for individual or small group tutoring sessions. It is also possible to schedule a private meeting that accommodates your unique needs and schedule. | Kirsten Poling Science Teaching and Learning Specialist |
Academic Support |
Sexual Assault and Sexual Misconduct Web Portal | Provides links to on- and off-campus services that provide survivors of sexual assault with physical, medical, emotional, academic, and legal support. [Learn More] | Dusty Johnstone Sexual Misconduct Response and Prevention Officer |
Health and Wellness |
STEPS (Skills to Enhance Personal Success) Dillon Hall 111 |
Offers a wide variety of free workshops aimed at providing students with practical methods for improving their learning and study skills. Aalso offers the Learning and Study Strategies Inventory (LASSI) and VARK (Visual, Auditory, Read/write, and Kinesthetic learning) Questionnaire to students. Following an assessment, the STEPS coordinator will discuss the student’s results and help them develop ways to enhance their study habits. [Learn More] | Student Learning Support and Outreach Coordinator |
Academic Support |
Student Awards and Financial Aid Neal Education Building 1124 |
Assists students with meeting the financial obligations associated with post-secondary education. Administers scholarships, bursaries, and awards, which are based on both academic merit and financial need. Whenever possible, the Office recognizes academic achievement, accommodates financial need, and disseminates information on the various awards available for undergraduate study at the University. | Student Awards and Financial Aid Staff | Enrolment |
Student Clubs and Societies Student Clubs and Societies CAW Student Centre 219 |
Includes more than 150 discrete student clubs and societies, each of which fills a unique niche. Student groups are ratified and administrated by the University of Windsor Students’ Alliance. | Larissa Howlitt Student Groups Coordinator |
General Services |
Student Counseling Centre (SCC) and the Assessment and Care Team CAW 293 |
Provides free, confidential counselling to registered students as well as consultation and referral services for University of Windsor faculty and staff. Coordinates information, strategies, support services, and resources of the University in order to assist students who may be in distress and/or exhibiting behaviours of concern. [Learn More] | Ext. 4616 |
Health and Wellness |
Student Disability Services Dillon Hall Lower Level |
Provides a variety of services and supports to students with documented disabilities (including: learning disabilities; attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder; acquired brain injuries; vision, hearing, and mobility impairments; chronic medical conditions; and psychiatric illnesses), who have registered with SDS. Facilitates the inclusion of students with disabilities fully into the fabric of the University of Windsor and helps minimize the impact of a disability on one's individual learning and academic performance. [Learn More] | Leah Cowan Exam Coordinator/Receptionist |
Health and Wellness |
Student Health Services CAW Student Centre 242 |
A dedicated team of physicians, nurses, and administrative staff that provides confidential, student-centred health care exclusively for University of Windsor Students. Offers comprehensive medical care, counselling, and external referrals when required. Students who opt out of the University’s drug benefits plan are still welcome to use Student Health Services. Note that Student Health Services does not offer a walk-in clinic. | Extension 7002 | Health and Wellness |
Student Success Centre Dillon Hall, Lower Level |
Offers a wide variety of services, programs, and resources that assist UWindsor students, including Skills to Enhance Personal Success (STEPS), writing support, advising, leadership and volunteer opportunities, transfer student support, the Campus Lifeline, the Co-Curricular Transcript, Student Disability Services, and support for parents, families, and first-generation students. | Shelby Marchand Secretary to the Director |
General Services |
Student Affairs (aka Office of Student Experience) CAW Student Centre 117 |
Provides programs and services designed to advance student success, contribute to campus engagement, and promote a safe, caring, and inclusive campus culture. Student Affairs also administers the University’s student discipline system and coordinates experiential learning and voluntary service programs. | Ryan Flannagan Associate Vice-President, Office of Student Experience |
General Services |
Transfer Student Support Dillon Hall 111 |
Danielle Handsor is the University’s dedicated Academic Advisor for Transfer Students. She can introduce incoming transfer students to UWindsor’s regulations and procedures and provide general support regarding course registration and reading the Degree Audit. | Danielle Handsor Academic Advisor |
Orientation and Transition |
University Print Shop Chrysler Hall Tower 01 |
Supplies formal and informal student organizations and on-campus events with a wide variety of printed media. Services include, but are not limited to, invitations, tickets, business cards, letterhead, envelopes, flyers, brochures, and posters. Also offers several large-format sign and banner options, including foam board, Coroplast signs, Sintra board, and retractable banners. Note that all courseware books are now sold at the Bookstore. | Print Shop Staff | General Services |
UWinCARD CAW Student Centre B07 |
The official student identification card of the University of Windsor, which is used for many purposes on campus. All students who can produce one piece of government-issued photo identification may obtain a UWinCARD. | UWinCARD Office | Enrolment |
Volunteer Internship Program Joyce Entrepreneurship Centre 100 |
Places FAHSS, Business Administration, and Science students at social service and not-for-profit organizations throughout Windsor-Essex for extracurricular experiential education opportunities. Students make valuable connections in the not-for-profit sector, practice career-related skills, and enhance their resumes while making a meaningful contribution to the community. | Jane Sylvester Applied Learning Coordinator |
Career/Employment Support |
Volunteer Opportunities Dillon Hall 110 |
The University of Windsor offers a wide range of volunteer opportunities for students who wish to become involved in the campus and wider communities, meet people, gain experience, and enhance their skills. Students can sign up to receive automatic notifications about upcoming events that coincide with their interests and availability. | Beth Oakley Director, Student Success Centre |
Orientation and Transition |
Walksafe CAW Student Centre 233 |
A UWSA program, organized and staffed by student volunteers, that provides individuals with walking companions for trips on and around campus after dark. Its mandate is to ensure that everyone at the University of Windsor feels safe while travelling on campus at night. The Walksafe service is provided free of charge to University students, staff, faculty, and visitors. | Adrienne Hurlbert Walksafe Coordinator |
Living Support and Safety |
Windsor Welcome Week | A key component of the University’s comprehensive onboarding and orientation programming for new students. | | Orientation and Transition |
Womxn's Centre CAW Student Centre 291 |
An actively pro-choice, feminist space on campus that provides guests with information resources, direct support, and references to other resources on and off campus. A free service and a safe and welcoming space for people of all backgrounds and expressions. | Womxn's Centre contact information | Social and Cultural Support |
Writing Support Desk Leddy Library, First Floor |
Helps students from all areas of campus with several aspects of academic writing, including: Interpreting assignment prompts; constructing strong theses and arguments; solving grammar, punctuation, and syntax problems; analyzing and integrating sources; citing and referencing; and developing active reading habits. Note that the WSD is not an editing or proofreading service. [Learn More] | | Academic Support |