


Call 911 in any emergency situation where police, fire or ambulance assistance is required immediately.​

To reach the Campus Community Police from a cell phone, dial (519) 253-3000 Ext. 4444 (emergency) (519) 253-3000 Ext. 1234 (non-emergency) or use any blue light phone on campus.

You can also consult the University's Student Emergency Services website as an additional centralized directory of valuable emergency contacts.

What is the University's official strategy for responding to emergencies?

Faculty and staff are encouraged to familiarize themselves with the University's Emergency Response Policy, which is housed on Health and Safety's Emergency Response Procedures website.

I believe a student is at risk (emergency)

If you believe the behaviour of a student on campus poses an imminent threat to others and/or him or herself, dial 911 or call Campus Police (Ext. 4444) immediately.

I believe a student is at risk (non-emergency)

The Assessment and Care Team (ACT) has established a Behavioural Intervention Plan for assisting individuals who may pose a threat to themselves or others. If you are concerned about the health and/or safety of a student on campus, please fill out the online Student Care Alert Form. The ACT will review the submitted Care Alert and will take appropriate action within 72 hours.

If you are generally concerned about or wish to support a student, please consult Student Affairs' "What Should I Do If I Am Concerned About The Behaviour of a Student?" website, which contains further instructions and a list of direct contacts.

I am/a student is nervous about walking home/to a vehicle after dark

Walksafe is a UWSA program, organized and staffed by student volunteers, that provides individuals with walking companions for trips on and around campus after dark. Its mandate is to ensure that everyone at the University of Windsor feels safe while travelling on campus at night.

The Walksafe service is provided free of charge to University students, staff, faculty, and visitors.

To contact Walksafe:

  • Dial 0 from any campus phone
  • Call Extension 3504
  • Press the Walksafe button on any Bell payphone on campus

For further information, consult the Walksafe website.

I believe a student or colleague has been or may have been sexually assaulted or party to sexual misconduct:

The University maintains a Sexual Assault and Sexual Misconduct website that provides detailed, vetted information about best practices for various parties following an episode of sexual misconduct or violence. This website also contains a comprehensive list of related campus and community resources.

If a student or colleague has been assaulted and requires immediate aid, we encourage you to consult and/or direct him or her to consult the Get Support page, particularly.

Duty to refer:

A faculty or staff member who receives a disclosure has a responsibility to provide a referral sheet to the survivor. The survivor may choose to act on such a referral. Note that the university's Sexual Assault and Sexual Misconduct website provides lists of on- and off-campus resources for survivors.

Referral Sheet (colour) | Referral Sheet (black and white)

Duty to report:

In most cases, staff and faculty are not obliged to report an incident of sexual misconduct unless they are in a supervisory role over one of the parties involved, or the individual who has disclosed is a minor. Supervisors of employees have a legal duty to address sexual harassment and sexual misconduct that they witness or of which they have been informed. Refer to Occupational Health and Safety Act and Human Rights Code, and contact Human Resources for more information regarding these responsibilities. The University may have a duty to investigate complaints of sexual misconduct to address its civil, criminal, and human rights obligations. (Refer to Sections 6 and 9 of the University of Windsor Policy on Sexual Misconduct.) If you are uncertain, you can contact the Sexual Misconduct Response and Prevention Office for guidance.

Dr. Dusty Johnstone is the University’s Sexual Misconduct Officer. She is available to both students and faculty to facilitate help and understanding following an experience of sexual misconduct or sexual violence. You can reach Dr. Johnstone via dustyj@uwindsor.ca.

I’ve heard there is a criminal threat on campus

Campus Police Services regularly monitors our campus for criminal activity and releases Crime Advisories to the campus community as appropriate. Up-to-date advisories are listed in the right-hand column of the Campus Police website. If circumstances dictate a more direct warning, Campus Police Services also has the authority to send mass emails to University staff, faculty, and students.

I want to clarify the authority of the Campus Police

Campus Community Police 'Special Constables' are approved by the Ontario Ministry of Community Safety and Correctional Services and receive their official Special Constable appointment on behalf of the Windsor Police Services Board. This is one of the reasons there continues to be a close affiliation between Windsor Police and Campus Police.

Campus Community Police have many of the same powers and authorities for the campus as Windsor Police have for the Province of Ontario. These powers allow officers to investigate incidents, arrest persons, use reasonable force where necessary and bring offenders before the courts.

Authority for officers extends to all properties belonging to the University, the abutting side streets and affiliated Colleges like Canterbury and Iona Colleges and Assumption University.

For further information, consult the University’s dedicated Campus Police Authority page.

I have a general inquiry regarding the Campus Police

For non-emergency matters, dial extension 1234 to reach Campus Police Services.

For general information, including the University of Windsor Security & Policing Policy, please consult the Campus Police website.

I want to contact Windsor Police Service

For complete contact information, consult the Windsor Police Service website.

Relevant Contacts

Internal Resource Contact Information
Campus Community Police (Emergency) Extension 911 or (519) 253-3000, Extension 4444 (off-campus)
Campus Community Police (Non-Emergency) Extension 1234
Student Counselling Centre Extension 4616
Student Health Services (519) 973-7002
Peer Support Centre Extension 4551 (for drop-in peer counselling)
External Resource Contact Information
Legal Aid Ontario 1-800-668-8258
TeleHealth Ontario 1-866-797-0000
Ontario Poison Centre 1-800-268-9017
Ontario Provincial Police, Essex Detachment 1-888-310-1122
RCMP, Windsor Detachment 519-948-5289
Sexual Assault Crisis Centre 519-253-9667 (24-hour line)
Mental Health Helpline 1-866-531-2600 (24-hour line)
Windsor Police Service (519) 258-6111

Note: This site is a living document, the goal of which is to improve, in some small way, the working lives of University of Windsor faculty. We are eager to collaborate with the campus community to better this service over time. If you can identify any knowledge gaps, missing resources, or outdated or erroneous information on this site, please contact avpa@uwindsor.ca without hesitation.