A-Z Campus Services


A-Z List of Campus Services


Service Description Contact
Aboriginal Education Centre (AEC)
CAW 179
Provides support to self-identified Aboriginal students with the aim of helping them reach their highest potential in a culturally supportive atmosphere. Russell Nahdee

Kat Pasquach

Advising Team, Student Success Centre
Dillon Hall 111
Provides academic advising related to course and program changes, assessment of academic progress, academic procedures, and the development of plans to deal with academic difficulties. advising@uwindsor.ca. 
Animal Care Committee (ACC) Ensures that all research involving animals is conducted in accordance with the highest ethical and humane standards and that the animals, the public, the researchers, and the University of Windsor are all protected from harm. Cassandra Catalano
Animal Care Coordinator
Ext. 3741
Campus Bookstore
CAW, Lower Level
Manages the ordering and sale of textbooks for university courses, technology products, campus clothing, and other products. Tracy Huff
Coordinator – Course Materials
Ext. 3474
Campus Community Police
2455 Wyandotte St. W. (Innovation Centre)
Works in partnership with the University community to provide a safe and secure environment to all students, staff, faculty, and visitors; provides a 24-hour presence on our campus to respond to routine and emergency calls for service. Mike MacKinnon
Ext. 1234
Ext. 4444 (Emergencies)
Career and Employment Services
Joyce Entrepreneurship Centre 100
Offers a variety of programs, services, and resources that can enhance students' university experiences and contribute to their employment and career goals. Kerri Zold
Manager, Career and Employment Services
Ext. 3559
Centre for Teaching and Learning
Lambton Tower, Second Floor
Works with members of the campus community to enhance the practice, culture, and scholarship of teaching and learning; to support the integration of effective teaching practices and technologies that extend and enrich learning; and to support to instructors using the University's Learning Management System, Brightspace. Dr. Erika Kustra
Director, Teaching and Learning Development
Ext. 4842
Chemical Control Centre
Essex Hall B-37
Promotes the safe use of hazardous materials by the University community through controlled acquisition, distribution, disposal, and training services. General Inquiries
Ext. 3523
Co-operative Education Services
Lambton Tower 1101
Administers co-operative education programs that integrate academic study with work experience in appropriate fields of business, industry, government, social services, and the professions. Kristen Morris
Manager, Co-operative Education Services
Ext. 3899
Entrepreneurship Practice and Innovation Centre (EPICentre)
Joyce Entrepreneurship Centre, Second Floor
Encourages entrepreneurship on campus and supports students and graduates interested in launching their own businesses. Taylor Laporte
Program Liaison
Ext. 6615
Faculty of Graduate Studies
Chrysler Hall Tower, Third Floor
Brings together a community of scholars and researchers committed to supporting graduate education and fostering student development. General Inquiries
Ext. 2109
GATA Network
Lambton Tower, Second Floor (CTL)
Works with Graduate and Teaching Assistants across campus, introducing them to mentors and resources they will need to improve their pedagogical knowledge and skills. Dr. Pierre Boulos
Learning Specialist
Ext. 3767
Human Resources
Chrysler Hall Tower 500
Provides comprehensive services and supports to over 2,300 faculty and staff with a mission of developing, facilitating, and providing enhanced opportunities for faculty and staff to learn, live, and grow. Kerry Gray
Director, Talent Acquisition & Retention
Ext. 4536
International Student Centre (ISC)
Laurier Hall, Second Floor
Facilitates the well-being of students engaged in international experiences, providing continuous support to help them succeed. Mike Houston
Ext. 3938
Leddy Library As the main campus library at the University of Windsor, provides a wide range of resources and services for both students and faculty to support the teaching, learning, and research mission of the University; provides physical spaces to support these activities. List of Librarians by Subject Area
Media and Educational Technologies Team (MET)
Erie Hall/Lambton Tower, Basement
Provides audio-visual technologies support, media production services, and learning space design. Service Request
Ext. 3044
Office of Human Rights, Equity and Accessibility (OHREA)
Chrysler Hall Tower 325
Oversees human rights inquiries and complaints, ombuds functions related to human rights, equity, and accessibility; government reporting; policy development; education; and any other matters requiring accountability in these areas at the University of Windsor. Kaye Johnson
Ext. 2056
Office of Open Learning
Erie Hall 1110, 1112
Inspires and leads on strategic, creative, and innovative developments in online learning, open learning environments, distance education, and open education across the University. Nick Baker
Ext. 4925
Office of Research and Innovation Services (ORIS)
Joyce Entrepreneurship Centre, First Floor (East)
Supports and promotes research at the University and administers research grants and contracts as the point of contact for the federal granting councils, government ministries, industry, associations, and foundations that typically provide financial support for University scholarship, research, and creative activities. Specific ORIS Contacts
Office of the Provost
Assumption Hall, First Floor
Provides leadership for academic planning and administration across the university, overseeing such areas as student recruitment, student services, the library, inter-faculty programs, teaching and learning, IT, faculty relations, and international development.
Blair Gagne
Secretary to the Provost and Vice-President, Academic
Ext. 4121
Office of the Vice-President, Research and Innovation
Joyce Entrepreneurship Centre 150
Provides strategic leadership for research at the University and oversees research and innovation services. Amy Davie
Executive Assistant to the Vice-President, Research and Innovation
Ext. 3925
Peer Collaboration Network (PCN) Enables faculty and staff to develop their own teaching practices through exchange, classroom observation, and discussion with peers. General Inquiries
Public Affairs and Communications (PAC)
Welcome Centre, Second Floor
Functions as the newsroom for the University of Windsor, sharing the stories of its success with the world; publicizes achievements from across campus to help our students, faculty, and staff gain the recognition they deserve for their efforts in making the world a better place through education, scholarship, and engagement.
Sabina Howell
Administrative Assistant
Ext. 3240
Chrysler Hall North 1118
Responsible for admissions, academic scheduling, student transcripts, degree granting, and many aspects of formal approval of credits and programs by the Ministry. ask.UWindsor
(519) 971-3650

Specific Registrar Contacts
Research Ethics Board
Chrysler Hall North 2146
The Research Ethics Administrative Assistant supports the administrative activities of the Office of Research Ethics (ORE) and the Research Ethics Board (REB) and serves as the first point of contact for inquires on the research ethics review process at the University. Responsible for the day-to-day administrative functions of ORE and provides direct administrative support to the Manager, ORE (Manager) and the REB Chair (Chair) and supporting the protocol review process, education, and communication. Mary Jane Nohra
Administrative Assistant
Ext. 3948
Research Finance
Joyce Entrepreneurship Centre 160
Supports the research enterprise at the University by providing expert advice, financial accountability, and ongoing management of all research funds. Katherine McLeod
Ext. 2127
Student Counseling Centre (SCC) and the Assessment and Care Team
CAW 293
Provides free, confidential counselling to registered students as well as consultation and referral services for University of Windsor faculty and staff. Coordinates information, strategies, support services, and resources of the University in order to assist students who may be in distress and/or exhibiting behaviours of concern. General Inquiries
Ext. 4616
Student Disability Services
Dillon Hall, Lower Level
Provides a variety of services and supports to students with documented disabilities (including: learning disabilities; attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder; acquired brain injuries; vision, hearing, and mobility impairments; chronic medical conditions; and psychiatric illnesses), who have registered with SDS. Facilitates the inclusion of students with disabilities fully into the fabric of the University of Windsor and helps minimize the impact of a disability on one's individual learning and academic performance. Reception

Ext. 3288
Student Success Centre
Dillon Hall, Lower Level
Offers a wide variety of services, programs, and resources that assist UWindsor students, including Skills to Enhance Personal Success (STEPS), writing support, advising, leadership and volunteer opportunities, transfer student support, the Campus Lifeline, the Co-Curricular Transcript, Student Disability Services, and support for parents, families, and first-generation students. Shelby Marchand
Assistant to the Director
Ext. 3287
University Secretariat
Assumption Hall, Second Floor
Responsible for the effective and efficient operation of the University’s bicameral system of governance. Administers the governance of the University by providing consistent advisory and administrative support to the Board of Governors (oversight of all operational aspects), the Senate (oversight of academic matters), their heir committees, and members of the university community generally. Renee Wintermute
University Secretary
Ext. 3347
Windsor University Faculty Association
366 Sunset Ave. (Kerr House)
Functions as the collective voice, bargaining agent, and defender of the shared interests of full time faculty and librarians, contract academic staff (sessionals), Ancillary Academic Staff, and Learning Specialists. Debbie Noble
Administrative Officer
Ext. 3366


Note: This site is a living document, the goal of which is to improve, in some small way, the working lives of University of Windsor faculty. We are eager to collaborate with the campus community to better this service over time. If you can identify any knowledge gaps, missing resources, or outdated or erroneous information on this site, please contact avpa@uwindsor.ca without hesitation.