Leddy Library Resources for Teaching and Programs


Support for Teaching and Programs at Leddy Library

Academic Data Centre

The Academic Data Centre (ADC) helps the entire University of Windsor community access and use statistical and geospatial data, often using sophisticated statistical/data software. Located on the main floor of the Library in room 1004, the ADC offers open hours and pre-arranged appointments.

Liaison Librarians

The Leddy Library assigns a specific librarian to each academic department on campus. This person is generally your first point of contact for any matter regarding library services. To locate the librarian for your department, please consult the Library’s complete up-to-date list of liaison librarians.

High School Outreach

The Leddy Library works with Windsor-Essex high school teachers to help students transition to university. Specifically, the Library extends its research facilities to high schools by offering tours and hands-on instructional sessions to secondary schools students. Consult "Library Instruction for Windsor-Essex Secondary Schools" for more information.

Library Cards for External Partners

The Leddy Library makes access cards available to alumni; area residents; and affiliated faculty, staff, and students from other institutions. If you need to secure a library card for an external partner, please consult Leddy’s Library Cards page for further information.

Information Literacy

The Leddy Library offers a number of options for faculty who wish to integrate information literacy instruction skills into their curricula. Please consult Leddy’s Information Literacy and Instruction page for further direction.

Tamsin Bolton Bacon is the University’s Information Literacy Librarian. You can reach her directly at Extension 3197 or tbolton@uwindsor.ca.

Resources by Subject

Leddy’s Journal Articles and Research Tools portal includes a list of scholarly resources organized by both subject area and resource type.

Graduate Student Services

Your graduate students likely have unique research needs. The Leddy Library has created a list of Services for Graduate Students that includes useful information, instruction, and links specifically tailored for students in master’s or doctoral programs.


The Leddy Library’s Campus Copyright Information page is your primary resource for information regarding fair dealing, copyright ownership, and publishing arrangements – both for your department’s scholarly work and its teaching.

Southwestern Ontario Digital Archive

The Southwestern Ontario Digital Archive is a multi-faceted resourced hosted by Leddy Library that archives the history and culture of our region for faculty, students, and external researchers.

To request further information, make a contribution to the Archive, or provide feedback, please contact Katharine Ball, Librarian, at Extension 3852 or kball@uwindsor.ca


Zotero is the University’s bibliographic management system. The web-based system helps users collect, organize, cite, and share resource sources. Please consult the Library’s Bibliographic Management Software page for download links, tutorials and support, and further information.

Note: This site is a living document, the goal of which is to improve, in some small way, the working lives of University of Windsor faculty. We are eager to collaborate with the campus community to better this service over time. If you can identify any knowledge gaps, missing resources, or outdated or erroneous information on this site, please contact avpa@uwindsor.ca without hesitation.