Department of Human Resources


Department of Human Resources

Comprehensive, easy-to-access information about the Department of Human Resources (HR) and its mission, vision, and services is available via the HR website.

The following information may help you get in touch more directly with the specific person or department you need:

Labour Relations

The Department of Human Resources strives towards building positive relations with employees and employee groups at the University of Windsor. Its primary goal is to encourage, develop, and foster a positive work environment at the University.

Collective Agreements

Health and Safety

The University of Windsor is committed to providing a safe and healthy work and educational environment for all of its employees, students, and visitors.

Recruitment and Hiring

The Employment Services staff is available to assist departments with all phases of the recruitment and selection process. Before starting the recruitment process, please review the job posting procedures contained within the relevant Collective Agreements and/or contact the Employment Services staff. Information guides, job description templates, and student hiring forms can be found on the Employment Services – Managers and Supervisors page.

Job Evaluation Procedures

Please refer to the appropriate Collective Agreement or administrative policy for a description of the job evaluation process. As part of the process you may be required to submit a revised job description. Download the Job Description template and guide.

Employee Engagement & Development

The University of Windsor values and encourages the professional development of employees.


The University of Windsor provides a wide range of benefit programs to eligible employees. The benefit programs have been designed to assist employees in meeting health and dental expenses, provide coverage for income protection, and generally enhance well-being.

Benefit Information for Faculty and Librarians


The University of Windsor supports the retirement savings plans of its eligible faculty through contributions to its registered pension plan, the Retirement Plan for Faculty and Certain Employees.

  • The Department of Human Resources is located in Chrysler Hall Tower, Room 501A.
  • If you have a general inquiry, phone Extension 2047 or email If you are looking for a particular member of the HR team, please consult the Staff Listing.
  • The University maintains a helpful, comprehensive Human Resources website. You will likely find the Resources for Faculty page particularly useful.


Note: This site is a living document, the goal of which is to improve, in some small way, the working lives of University of Windsor faculty. We are eager to collaborate with the campus community to better this service over time. If you can identify any knowledge gaps, missing resources, or outdated or erroneous information on this site, please contact without hesitation.