Departmental Council


Departmental Council

The Head chairs the Departmental Council and must therefore be familiar with the rules of procedures as set out in the Senate Bylaws and Policies and, at times, in Robert's Rules of Order.

Composition of the Departmental Council is specified in Bylaw 40. (List of Senate Bylaws)

  • For routine business, composition of the Departmental Council consists of members identified under 4.1.1-4.1.4.
  • For establishing appointments committees and renewal, tenure, and promotion committees, the Departmental council consists of members identified under 4.1.1 and 4.1.3.
  • For voting on new appointments, the Departmental Council consists of members identified under 4.1.1 and 4.1.3, and members on sabbatical or other paid leave. Members on sabbatical or other paid leave are not permitted to participate in Council, with this exception.
  • Election procedures for student representation are described in Bylaw 30.

Quorum is required to conduct business. Quorum for Council is 50% of the members, except during the summer when it is 40% including a student or 50%. (Senate Bylaw 2 and Bylaw 3.)

Voting is by show of hands, with the exception of appointments or elections to posts or committees, which are to be conducted by secret ballot. The Chair can only vote to break a tie, in the case of a vote by show of hands. In the case of a secret ballot vote, the Chair can vote at the time of the issuance of the secret ballot and cannot vote to break a tie. A simple majority of the votes cast is required to pass a motion. (Abstentions are not votes and therefore do not count in the tally.) (Senate Bylaw 2 and Robert’s Rules of Order.)

Conduct of Meetings: Basics

Always ensure that the agenda and relevant supporting documents are circulated a minimum of five calendar days prior to the meeting. (Bylaw 2)

Recommended Order of Business:

  • Meeting called to order (once quorum is established)
  • Approval of the agenda
  • Declaration of conflict of interest (can also be done at the time the item is discussed)
  • Approval of minutes
    • List significant changes only
    • Note only that “minor editorial corrections were made”
    • CARRIED or CARRIED, as amended.
  • Outstanding (unfinished) business/business arising from the minutes
  • Includes motions or issues raised at earlier meetings and deferred to the current meeting
  • Reports/New Business
    • Introduction of new information, new discussion items
    • Information only reports – no motion is necessary. Note in minutes that report was received for information.
    • Ensure that you have a mover and seconder for all motions. Once discussion is complete, call the vote (referred to as calling the question) by asking “all in favour” and “all opposed”. Announce the result of the vote (carried or defeated).
  • Motion to Adjourn

If you have any questions regarding this topic or a related matter, your first point of contact is Renée Wintermute, the University Secretary.


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