A Compulsory Ancillary Fee is any fee imposed in addition to tuition fees, which a student is required to pay in order to enroll in or successfully complete any credit course.
Updated July 17, 2019:
As mandated by the Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities (MTCU), the University of Windsor is developing a Student Choice Initiative (SCI) protocol for implementation in Fall 2019. All ancillary fees are currently being reviewed to ensure compliance with the SCI.
Please check http://www.uwindsor.ca/finance/742/student-choice-initiative in the coming weeks for updates as they become available.
Per MTCU Guidelines, a fee must comply with one of the following criteria in order to be deemed mandatory:
- Athletics and Recreation
- Career Services
- Student Buildings
- Health and Counselling
- Academic Support
- Student ID Cards
- Student Achievement and Records
- Financial Aid Offices
- Campus Safety Programs
- Health and Dental Plans
- Student Transit Passes
The MTCU Tuition Fee Framework and Ancillary Fee Guidelines have been linked here for your access.