Time: 1:30 PM - 3:00 PM
Format: In-person
Location: Freed Orman, Assumption Hall, University of Windsor
This interactive presentation serves to provide an overview of Anti-Palestinian Racism (APR) as a form of racism that targets the Palestinian community and supporters to the Palestinian story and identity. It will begin with a brief inside scoop of the Palestinian identity and will target three main learning outcomes: 1) Provide insights into key term(s) that may underscore as a distinct form of racism, and other concepts that should be differentiated (e.g., Anti-Arab Animus, Islamophobia). 2) Discuss APR as experienced in educational institutions and, 3) Engage in an interactive exercise on different forms of racism and how to be Anti-Racist. The workshop will conclude with an invite for participants to share their insights for further developments on APR and related topics.
Dr. Riham Al-Saadi - Faculty, School of Social Work