Consultative Working Group Members:
- Marcela Ciampa - Director, Organizational and Leadership Development; Office of the Vice President, People, Equity and Inclusion (Strategy Lead)
- Marium Tolson-Murtty - Director, Anti-Racism Organizational Change; Office of the Vice President, People, Equity and Inclusion
- Ana Jain - Procurement Manager; Financial Accounting and Reporting
- Camille Armour - Senior Development Officer; Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences
- Cherie Gagnon - Accessibility Manager; Office of Human Rights, Equity & Accessibility
- Corinthia Natyshak - Director, Academic Labour Relations; Office of the Provost & Vice-President, Academic
- Edward Cruz - Faculty; Nursing
- Erika Kustra - Associate Vice-President, Academic; Office of Provost & Vice-President, Academic
- Ghallia Hashem - President; University of Windsor Students' Alliance
- IJ Singh - Human Resources Business Partner; Human Resources
- Jacqueline Brathwaite - Manager, Student Financial Aid; Student Awards and Financial Aid
- Jane Ku - Faculty; Sociology and Criminology
- Joyceln Lorito - Student Development Specialist - Learning Strategist; Student Accessibility Services
- Karen Pillon - Associate University Librarian; Leddy Library
- Lana Parker - Faculty; Faculty of Education
- Laura Mclean - Secretary to the Dean; Faculty of Science
- Natasha Wiebe - Research Coordinator – Soc. Sc. Human and Health; Research and Innovation Services
- Patti Weir - Dean; Faculty of Graduate Studies
- Phebe Lam - Learning Specialist; Office of the Associate Vice-President, Student Experience
- Scott Cowan - Head; Leddy Library
- Shetina Jones - Associate Vice-President, Student Experience; Office of the Associate Vice-President, Student Experience
- Stephanie White - Director, Athletics and Recreational Services; Athletics and Recreational Services
- Trevor Pittman - Concert Producer/Operations Coordinator; School of Creative Arts