Understanding and unlearning identity-based oppression

Understanding and Unlearning Identity-Based Oppression

This webpage offers educational materials on identity-based oppression, in which individuals face unfair treatment or discrimination due to aspects of their identity, such as race, gender, or religion.  

This widespread and systemic issue is rooted in societal structures and cultural norms that privilege some groups while marginalizing others. Identity-based oppression manifests in many forms, including violence, prejudice, discrimination, and racism. It affects access to opportunities, services, supports, and rights, perpetuating inequalities across society. 

This web page is meant to serve as a starting place for learning and unlearning, in alignment with the University’s strategic plan -- Aspire: Together for Tomorrow – that emphasizes equity, diversity, and inclusion. 

Resources included are curated from a variety of government and other credible sources.

The University recognizes the need for more consultative work to ensure this webpage reflects our community's diverse experiences and perspectives. We are committed to enhancing it as we develop the University’s Anti-Racism Policy, Indigenous Strategic Plan, and the Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Strategic Plan, including additional content and support mechanisms. 

Content areas, along with the resources, are listed in alphabetical order. Some content may be upsetting; please reach out if support is needed.

Documents linked from this webpage serve as resources and do not reflect official policies or positions of the University of Windsor.

Documents linked from this webpage serve as resources and do not reflect official policies or positions of the University of Windsor. 

A Way with Words and Images: A Guide for Communication with and About Persons with Disabilities: Includes concepts, terms, and general guidelines for communicating with and about persons with disabilities, with the aim of fostering and developing more inclusive policies and programs.

Policy on Ableism and Discrimination Based on Disability, Ontario Human Rights Commission: Explores topics including ableism, forms of discrimination, duty to accommodate, and more.

Documents linked from this webpage serve as resources and do not reflect official policies or positions of the University of Windsor. 

Arab Heritage Month: The House of Commons passed a bill in May 2022 declaring the month of April as Arab Heritage Month in Canada.

Changing demographics of racialized people in Canada: Statistics Canada’s review of the 2001 and 2021 censuses of population examines population growth and changing demographics of racialized people. The study reveals new data for 11 racialized subgroups, with the Arab group showing the largest increase at 254%.


Documents linked from this webpage serve as resources and do not reflect official policies or positions of the University of Windsor. 

Addressing Anti-Asian Racism: A webpage providing information on combating anti-Asian racism, highlighting the history and impact of racism against Asian Canadians, and offering educational resources and initiatives for promoting inclusion and equity.

Canadian Race Relations Foundation (CRRF): This 2023 comprehensive study by the Angus Reid Institute highlights the under-reporting of anti-Asian hate crimes and provides detailed statistics and insights into the experiences of Asian Canadian communities.

Documents linked from this webpage serve as resources and do not reflect official policies or positions of the University of Windsor. 

Fact Sheet: Key Historical Facts about Anti-Black Racism and Discrimination in Canada: Black people in Canada have a history of oppression, resistance, and perseverance, this timeline highlights some of the most significant events in this aspect of Canadian history.

The Story of Africville: a close-knit Black community in the north end of Halifax, Nova Scotia, displaced by racism. 

Documents linked from this webpage serve as resources and do not reflect official policies or positions of the University of Windsor. 

National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation, University of Manitoba: This comprehensive website is a resource for reports and legislation related to First Nations, Métis, and Inuit peoples, including the Truth and Reconciliation Commission Reports, the Aboriginal Healing Foundation Reports, and the Creating an Engagement Plan with Indigenous Communities Report.

The Residential School System:  First Nations, Inuit and Métis Nation children were taken from their families and communities to attend schools which were often located far from their homes, many never returned.

Documents linked from this webpage serve as resources and do not reflect official policies or positions of the University of Windsor. 

Changing Systems, Transforming Lives: Canada's Anti-Racism Strategy 2024-2028: The Government of Canada's Anti-Racism Strategy (2024-2028) that discusses how systemic racism “affects the lives of members of Asian, Latin American, Arab, Jewish, Muslim, Palestinian, Sikh, Hindu and other racialized communities." (see page 21)

Toronto District School Board: An example of a large Ontario organization with an anti-discrimination strategy that addresses a variety of different prejudices, including anti-Indigenous, antisemitism, anti-Palestinian and Islamophobia.

Documents linked from this webpage serve as resources and do not reflect official policies or positions of the University of Windsor. 

Canada, antisemitism, and the Holocaust: A historical overview of the antisemitic sentiments that were openly promoted in Canada during the 1930’s, when Canadian Jews faced widespread discrimination and exclusion from Canadian society.

The Government of Canada Concludes National Summit on Antisemitism (Canadian Heritage): A summary of findings from the National Summit on Antisemitism, hosted by the Government of Canada, including initial actions and quotes.

Documents linked from this webpage serve as resources and do not reflect official policies or positions of the University of Windsor. 

Federal 2SLGBTQI+ Action Plan…Building Our Future, With Pride: Action plan for creating a more equitable Canada for 2SLGBTQI+ communities; builds from work to address persisting disparities and foster a safety and inclusivity.

Standing Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia: Details the realities of gender-based violence against LGBTQ2+ people in Canada, including the effects on mental health and well-being and future pathways.

The documents below are provided as resources and do not reflect official policies or positions of the University of Windsor. 

Intersectionality and Gender Identity and Expression: An overview of the Government of Canada's approach on Gender-based Analysis Plus.

Intersectionality and the Ontario Human Rights Code: An introduction to the intersectional approach, including its evolution from other methods, its application, and future directions.

Documents linked from this webpage serve as resources and do not reflect official policies or positions of the University of Windsor. 

Combatting Hate: Islamophobia and its Impact on Muslims in Canada: A Senate Committee on Human Rights 2023 that includes personal experiences, recommendations and calls to action to address Islamophobia in Canada.

Combatting Islamophobia in Canada (Canada.ca): A government site with information, links to educational resources, and a newsletter focussed on raising awareness about combating Islamophobia in Canada.

The documents below are provided as resources and do not reflect official policies or positions of the University of Windsor. 

Statistics Canada the Gender Wage Gap in Canada: A study that examines the evolution of the gender gap in average hourly wages since 1998.

The Sandwich Generation and Women Caregivers: A study of the effects of women being “sandwiched” between unpaid care for children and care-dependent adults.

The documents below are provided as resources and do not reflect official policies or positions of the University of Windsor.  

International Metropolis Conference 2019 Final Report: The conference leveraged Canadian and global expertise to capture best practices, with panelists addressing refugee and migration issues to counter xenophobia and anti-migrant populism.

Racism, Discrimination and Migrant Workers in Canada, Evidence from the Literature: A report by a branch of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada on the impact of policies and laws on migrant workers, including racism, discrimination and xenophobia.

Additional resources can be found at the Office of Human Rights, Equity & Accessibility website, and Centre for Teaching and Learning websites.