Changing your name or pronouns
Students, you can change your name and pronouns on UWinSite by editing your "Personal Details". This will allow you to edit your chosen name (called "preferred name" in the system) and select pronouns from a drop-down list. Please note that although your chosen name will be distributed to most systems on campus, there may be units, reports, or documents that require the use of your legal name. For example, degrees will only be conferred to legal names, and any proof of enrolment you might need will also display your legal name. If you wish to change your legal name, you will need to commence the official process through the government, and then file the appropriate documentation with the Registrar. You can find more details on this UWindsor help page for name changes, and this information page from the Government of Ontario.
Faculty and staff, we are working with ITS, HR, VP EDI, and OHREA on new solutions to identity presentation and system-wide recognition of names and pronouns. Another thing you can do to make a difference is add your pronouns to your email signature. This helps students know how to address you and just makes our campus a little more inclusive!
NOTE If you come across a system that is showing a name you no longer go by, please contact