Queer on Campus?

The University of Windsor is committed to creating a safe and inclusive experience for all of our campus community members - students, staff, and faculty. Check out the resource below if you or someone you know is looking for support or involvement in 2SLGBTQIA+ activities.

UWSA Campus Pride Centre

The Campus Pride Centre is a student-run and student-focused organization supported by the University of Windsor Student Association (UWSA). They offer drop-in hours in their community space, and partner with other groups such as UWinPride, Queer in STEM, and others to offer social events. 

The Campus Pride Centre is closed from May through August, but you can keep an eye on their Instagram for updates. 

Queer in STEM

As a group of 2SLGBTQIA+ graduate and undergraduate students, Queer in STEM provides an inclusive space for networking, connection, and fun! 

Check them out on Twitter and Instagram!

UWindsor EngiQueers

The Windsor chapter of EngiQueers, they provide events for enigeering queer students, as well as offer other resources for students.

Check them out on Instagram!

Outlaws UWindsor Law

The Outlaws are a the Windsor chapter for the Law School.  They are mainly a social group that aims tot create space and community for 2SLGBTQIA+ law students

Check them out on instagram!

Womxn's Centre

The Womxn's Centre is located on the 2nd floor of the CAW Centre, near the overlook to the Commons area. They provide a pro-choice, feminist space for education, community, and resources. 

Prevent, Resist, Support

Support for Unwanted Sexual Experiences

If you are in need of support but aren't sure what you should do or where you should go for help, you can start by speaking to Dusty or Anne at the Office of Sexual Violence Prevention, Resistance, and Support (PRS). Dusty and Anne are here to listen. What happens next is up to you. Please know that you can seek their support without any obligation to formally report. You can also seek support regardless of when the assault occurred -- whether it was recently or a long time ago, you still deserve to be listened to.

PRS can also help connect you with counselling and medical services, as well as other campus and community resources. They can provide information about your reporting options, both to the University and the police. If you choose to file a formal complaint, they can support you in that process. They can help arrange academic and workplace accommodations, and help you with safety planning.

Contact Dusty and Anne at svsupport@uwindsor.ca or reach out via our confidential contact form.

For more sexual violence support options, visit this Resource page.

Safer Sex Supplies at UWindsor:

To learn more about safer sex, check out our workshops through the Prevent Resist Support page, or contact Anne at arudzins@uwindsor.ca

Lancers Recover

If you need support for substance use and addiction recovery, Lancers Recover is a group on campus providing an intentional and recovery-affirming space for students to seek assistance and support. You can email lancersrecover@uwindsor.ca for more information. 

Research and Projects

Dr. Michael Godfrey and Dr. Tricia Carmichael from Queer in STEM are currently investigating campus climate for 2SLGBTQIA+ students enrolled in university STEM programs across Canada. Check out their website for more information and the survey link.