President’s Annual Report
We’ve enjoyed many very enriching experiences this year. The Study Groups have featured exceptional leaders with a wide variety of interesting topics. The number of seniors registered for these nine week sessions has been the best in years. Also, the selection of speakers and topics for our luncheon series proved to be popular and attendance was always good. Our new newsletter has been well received and has helped us promote our organization.
In addition to organizing and carrying out learning programs, UNI-COM continues to support the University’s CLR Scholarship Trust Fund with an annual donation.
The success we’ve enjoyed has been made possible through the efforts of many. Our appreciation is extended to the President of the University of Windsor, Dr. Alan Wildeman, and to all the staff who assist us in making arrangements to present our programs. Our partnership with the university is an important component of who we are. We especially thank those who have helped provide excellent facilities for all our activities.
The support and efforts of our board, our program committee (Chair Jeff Wyatt), our many volunteers and our UNI-COM members continue to give us the inspiration to maintain and even increase our participation. We thank them all.
Please take this opportunity with me to also thank our coordinator Bill McRae. His effective planning and organizing of our activities continues to be a key to our success. We all benefit from his efforts and appreciate what he does to help us continue our education through UNI-COM.
G. Plantus