Relay for Life Form

Lancers vs Cancer Baseball Cap in black colour

Baseball Cap ("Lancers vs Cancer")

Regular Toque

Regular Toque

Toque with Pom Pom

Toque with Pom Pom

Lancers vs Cancer face mask in black colour

Face Mask ("Lancers vs Cancer")

Reusable water Bottle in blue colour

Reusable Water Bottle ("Lancers vs Cancer")

Tumbler with straw in blue colour

Tumbler with Straw ("Lancers vs Cancer")

Laptop sticker - "Lancers vs Cancer")

Laptop Sticker ("Lancers vs Cancer")

Pop socket - "Relay For Life"

Pop Socket ("Relay For Life")

Participant T-Shirt - "LIFE is Bigger Than Cancer" front

Participant T-Shirt ("LIFE is Bigger Than Cancer" front)

T-Shirt - "Lancers vs Cancer" front in white

T-Shirt ("Lancers vs Cancer" front)

Participant T-Shirt - "BE Bigger Than Cancer" back

Participant T-Shirt ("BE Bigger Than Cancer" back)

Long Sleeve - "Lancers vs. Cancer" front, "Titan" one sleeve

Long Sleeve ("Lancers vs. Cancer" front, "Titan" one sleeve)

Long Sleeve - "Lancers vs. Cancer" front, "Titan" one sleeve

Long Sleeve ("Lancers vs. Cancer" front, "Titan" one sleeve)

Proceeds raised at Relay for Life go to the Canadian Cancer Society. Should you wish to purchase a Relay For Life T-Shirt as your donation, please use this form:

1 Start 2 Complete
Personal Details
Enter your apartment, suite, or other information

Lancer vs Cancer blue baseball cap

Baseball Cap (Branded "Relay for Life")

 "Relay For Life" face mask

Face Mask (Branded "Relay For Life")

Lancer vs Cancer white shirt

T-Shirt ("Relay For Life" front)

Participant T-Shirt ("Life is Bigger Than Cancer" front)

Participant T-Shirt ("Life is Bigger Than Cancer" front)

Lancer vs Cancer blue baseball cap

Baseball Cap (Branded "Relay for Life")

 "Relay For Life" face mask

Face Mask (Branded "Relay For Life")

Baseball Cap ("Lancers vs Cancer")

Dark blue colour. One size (adult adjustable).

Regular Toque

Navy colour. One size (adult standard).

Toque with Pom Pom

Navy colour. One size (adult standard).

Face Mask ("Lancers vs Cancer")

Black colour. One size (adult standard).

Reusable Water Bottle ("Lancers vs Cancer")

Blue colour. 750 ml capacity.

Tumbler with Straw ("Lancers vs Cancer")

Blue colour. 750 ml capacity.

Laptop Sticker ("Lancers vs Cancer")

White colour. 3 inches wide.

Pop Socket ("Relay For Life")

Yellow colour. Standard size.

Apparel - Tops
Participant T-Shirt ("LIFE is Bigger Than Cancer" front)

Dark grey colour.

T-Shirt ("Lancers vs Cancer" front)

White colour.

Participant T-Shirt ("BE Bigger Than Cancer" back)

Light grey colour.

Long Sleeve ("Lancers vs. Cancer" front, "Titan" one sleeve)

Dark blue colour.

Long Sleeve ("Lancers vs. Cancer" front, "Titan" one sleeve)

Yellow colour.

