The first step towards getting somewhere, is deciding not to stay where you are. Adjusting to university from high school can be very challenging at times. I experienced this as I wrote my first university multiple choice mid-term. After my exam, I came to the predicament that I needed assistance. Being a member of the Connecting4Success Program, reminded me of the different workshops through the S.T.E.P.S. Program. I attended the Multiple Choice Tests and Exams workshop. In this workshop I learned what to study, different tips for picking the right answer, what to do in the guessing stage, and what to do when you have finished your exam. The instructor had an interactive presentation and helped us better understand the material by including our inputs and questions. After attending just one workshop, I definitely have more confidence going into my next exam, and I will be attending more workshops in the future. I recommend these workshops to anybody looking to improve learning, and study skills. You don't have to be a member of the Connecting4Succes Program to attend these workshops, and I assure that you will leave feeling more confident.
Jamie Noseworthy
Year 1 Business Administration